Fourth of July

Robin F. Brancato

Short Story Unit
                               Discussion Questions

   1. What does the conversation among the three teens
  tell us about their characters? Are they troublemakers,
  goody-goodies or what? What kind of students would
  you expect them to be?

   2. Did you want Chuck to throw the M-80 into Sager's
  car? What might have happenedif he had done that?
  What did you think CHuck did not throw it into the car?

   3. How does the occasion of the Fourth of July contribute
  to the outcome of the story? How is the date symbolic?

   4. Have Chuck's actions evened the score with Sager?
   How does Chuck feel about what he did with the gas?

Writing Assignment

Have you ever wanted to get back at someone for a slight they did to you
such as talking behind your back or not asking you to a party?

Write a poem expressing your feelings when you have been slighted or talked about behind your back to express your feelings at the time.

Begin a new word document,and write your poem using the correct heading format. Title your poem. The poem may or may not rhyme. Save your poem in your Fourth of July folder and then drop it into
your homework folder labled "Poem-4th" by the date