Nouns/Pronouns Diagnostic Test


Complete the following exercises on a correctly headed word document and save it in your English folder.


Check A: Next to the number of each sentence, write the nouns in that sentence. Next to the      

            noun, tell whether it’s a person, place, thing or idea.


1. Dogs can be purchased from a breeder.

2. Good pets can also be fund at a shelter.

3. A veterinarian gives the dog shots for rabies and distemper.


Check B: Next to the number of each sentence, write the collective or compound noun and label            

            it COL for collective and COM for compound..


4. The whole family should share in taking care of a pet.

5. Dogs need shelter, such as a doghouse, in which to sleep.

6. Use caution when introducing the new pet to a large group.

7. Our class took a sheepdog to the park.


Check C: Next to the number of the italicized word, identify the noun as either C for common or           

P for proper.


The (8) American Kennel Club was started in 1884.  This (9) organization is associated with more than 4,000 clubs throughout the (10) United States. Frances belongs to a group in her (11) town. She goes to shows in (12) Austin with her cousin (13) Sarah.


Check D: Next to the number of the sentence, write the pronouns in each sentence. Then,           

            identify each pronoun’s antecedent. You may need to refer to previous sentences to find the antecedent.


14. Martin loves dogs, and he has three German Sheperds.

15. They are very gentle.

16. His sister, Tanya, helps him care for them.


Check E: Identify the italicized pronoun in each sentence as personal, demonstrative,      

            interrogative, or indefinite.


17. We went to the pound to see puppies.

18. My mother asked, “Which do you want?”