Mrs. McDonald’s Grade 8 English Course Overview



TEXTS:           Writer’s Choice Grammar & Composition (Grammar Text—Rental)                

                        Writer’s Choice Grammar & Composition Workbook

                        A Raisin in the Sun

                        Jane Eyre. (Abridged Version)

                       To Kill A Mockingbird

                       The Ultimate Gift

                       House on Mango Street

                      Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl

                      Composition Resource Book



THEME:       The theme of the literature taken this year will be prejudice and women in literature.


MATERIALS:             2 folders for handouts              PC tablet

                                    pens                                         pencils                         Your thinking caps


COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the completion of the course, each of you should possess a working knowledge of reading

      techniques for a short story, play and novel, implementation of grade level vocabulary, a basic

                                          understanding of grammar, and the ability to produce a clear, unified and coherent essay on

      a literary topic.


METHODS OF ASSESSMENT:  Grades will be based on quizzes, major tests and regular formal essays and revisions.

       Vocabulary, grammar study, reading quizzes, and class participation also figure into

        course results along with written reports and oral presentations.


QUARTER ONE                    Grammar Review (Parts of Speech-Parts of a Sentence)

                                                Discussion/Writing assignments from Summer Reading (The Glory Field & In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer)

                                                Short Story Unit

                                                Reading/Discussion/Writing The Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank



QUARTER TWO                Grammar-Continuation of Quarter One

                                              Female Author Power Point Project & Presentation

                                                Reading/Discussion/Writing Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte                                         



CHRISTMAS NOVEL           The Ultimate Gift  by Jim Stovall


QUARTER THREE                Grammar-Verb Tenses/The Phrase/The Clause

                                                Discussion The Ultimate Gift  

                                                Poetry Unit

                                                Reading/Discussion/Writing A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

                                         Reading/Discussion/Writing House on Mango Street


QUARTER FOUR                  Grammar-The Clause/Verbals

                                                Reading/Discussion/Writing To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

                                                Novel Study Unit and presentation

                                                Grammar Evaluation


Vocabulary and Composition Study will be included in each quarter also.