Grade 7 English                     Mrs. McDonald


Due Date:                               Rough Draft: Tuesday, 5 September 2006 in class

                                                Final: T September 2006 in class                


Topic:                                     In a one paragraph essay, describe a character from The Giver in terms of a personality

                                                            trait the character possesses.  


Assignment:                           Choose one of the MAIN characters from the novel.

                                                Then take some time to brainstorm personality traits of that character.


                                                Before you decide on your character and his/her trait, be sure that you will be able

                                                            to support the traits using examples from the novel itself.                


Skill:                                       The ability to describe a character in terms of a personality trait and how those traits are shown through                                                                              something that occurs in a piece of literature.


Requirements:           1.Original title. DO NOT use the title of the novel or the name of the character. Catch the reader’s attention & use                                                                      your imagination. BE CREATIVE!!!!!!                    

                                    2  Write a well-developed three paragraph essay describing your                                                     

                                                chosen character in terms of one personality trait.

                                    3. DO NOT USE contractions.

                                    4. DO USE present tense, third person, correct heading, and correct                                               

                                                spelling, punctuation, sentence structure and vocabulary.

                                    5. Word process the essay.

                                    6. Double space heading and essay.

                                    7. This essay will be conference and revised as your major                                                               

                                                composition for the first quarter/



Format:          1.Topic Sentence. This sentence should be similar to a map. It gives

                                                direction to your entire paragraph. The sentence should include a. the name of

                                                the chosen character, b. the author and title of the novel  c. and the chosen personality trait.


                                    SAMPLE: In the novel The Giver, Lois Lowry presents ____________ (character)

                                                as a _______________ (personality trait such as generous, selfish, friendly)



                        2.Body Sentences. Use AT LEAST one example taken from the novel which supports specifically what you stated in your                                                                      topic sentence. Make sure the example is a direct reference from the novel; however, do not use direct                                                                                    quotes from the article. Paraphrase the support in                                                                 your own words.


                        3.Conclusive Sentence. This is a restatement of your topic sentence which should also include

                                                a summary of the support you gave in the body sentences. Be sure no new information is included in this sentence.                                                    This is simply a summary of what you supported in your body.