Daily Grammar Verb Quiz #1


Name________________________________   Section _______________


Copy and paste this quiz on a word document. Complete it. Create another folder in your main English folder entitled Daily Grammar Quizzes. Save a copy of your completed quiz in this folder. Then drop a copy of your quiz by the due date assigned in my homework folder. Label your quiz in the following way: McDonald (your name)-Verbs (subject of quiz).

Answer True or False for # 1-5.

1. Verbs never change form.

2. A verb is never just one word.

3. There are twenty-three helping verbs.

4. Helping verbs cannot be the main verb.

5. Helping verbs can be action verbs.

List the verbs or verb phrases in the sentences, and tell whether they are action verbs or state of being verbs.

6. Jim plays basketball.

7. They will return on the airplane.

8. Badger is a funny dog.

List the verb phrases in the following sentences.

9. My wife is reading in the hammock under the tree.

10. The message can't be altered.

11. Somewhere a party is being planned.

12.Now write down as many of the twenty-three helping verbs as you can.