Daily Grammar Verb Quiz #2

Name___________________________________  Section_____________

Copy and paste this quiz on a word document. Complete it. Create another folder in your main English folder entitled Daily Grammar Quizzes. Save a copy of your completed quiz in this folder. Then drop a copy of your quiz by the due date assigned in my homework folder. Label your quiz in the following way: McDonald (your name)-Verbs (subject of quiz).


Answer True or False for # 1-5.

1. Verb phrases can have three helping verbs.

2, Verbs can be in contracted form.

3. State of being verbs show action.

4. Verbs are the most important words in a sentence.

5. Helping verbs cannot be the main verb.

 List the verbs or verb phrases in the sentences, and tell whether they are action verbs or state of being verbs.

6. I have been here a long time.

7. I should have been playing the drum.

8. Go home.

List the verb phrases in the following sentences.

9. Shouldn't I be a clown for Halloween?

10. I've run out of time.

11. My wife is reading in the hammock under the tree.

12.Now write down as many of the twenty-three helping verbs as you can.