Discussion Questions Chapters 5-6  The Upstairs Room   English 7        Mrs. McDee


Chapter 5 p. 56-73


1. Who were the Oostervelds?

2. What does Opoe mean?

3. Describe Johan & Dientje Oosterveld?

4. What is Annie shocked about while listening to Johan speak?

5. Where were Annie & Sini to sleep?

6. What was Annie’s opinion of the Oostervelds?

7. Why did Johan have to rise so early?

8. Why is Dientje frightened?

9. What did Sini always want to know?

10. Why didn’t the girls est the pork?

11. Why did the girls want to go back to the Hanninks?

12. Describe the hiding place Johan made for the girls.


Chapter 6  p. 74-87


1. How old was Opoe going to be?

2. What had Dientje gotten the girls?

3. Who did she get it from?

4. What exciting news did Sini & Johan hear on the radio?

5. What were the girls going to give Opoe for her birthday?

6. What plan did Johan decide upon to celebrate Opoe’s birthday?

7. What did Opoe ask Dientje to do with the material the girls had given her for her birthday?

8. Why was it better during the war to be living on a farm than in a city, according to Johan?

9. Who came to visit the girls after dinner?

10. Who was Hendrick?

11. What did Opoe bring upstairs to the girls while the party was going on?