Group Essay



You have each been given a number which corresponds to the essay you should write about.

This should be a 3 paragraph essay—an introductory, one body and a conclusive paragraph is required. You have the class period to begin your essay. You may complete it at home. It will be due, word processed and with your correct heading, our next class period.



Group 1           Central to a drama is conflict. Discuss the main conflict between Mama & Walter and its resolution in the play.


Group 2           Discuss the symbolism of Mama’s little plant to the central theme of the play.


Group 3           For a play to be good, we have to believe that the characters could be real people; and we have to be interested in what happens to them;               we have to care about them. Discuss how Mama comes across as a true human bring, rather than merely a character in a fictional play,                                 and discuss what makes her interesting.


Group 4           This play is about racial intolerance in Chicago in the late 1950’s. Discuss how this play is for all times and places.