Twelve Angry Women




1. In the opening of Act III, Eleven praises the fact that people can hold unpopular          

            opinions in this country. She continues speaking about democracy.

            Why is she always given these lines?


2. What does Three do to Eight in the beginning of Act III that causes the others

            To cry “Look out!”


3. Why is Five convinced that the boy did not stab his father? What  makes

            Five an authority?


4. After Five’s comments about the knife, another vote is taken. How does the count

            stand after this vote?


5. In the scene where Ten starts going on about “those people,” why does just about

            Everyone else get up from the table?


6. To Four, what is the most convincing evidence that the boy is guilty?


7. What is brought up to refute the woman’s claim that she saw the boy kill his father?


8. What piece of stage business forces the jurors to think about the woman and her           



9. Why does Four change his vote to not guilty?


10. What is the dramatic climax of this act?


11. Did Three finally believe the boy was not guilty, or did he vote to get it over with?