Miracle Worker Review


Be able to identify the speaker, the person spoken to and any questions asked for the quotes below.



1. “….she’ll live up to just what you demand of her, and no more.” (she’ll refers to whom??? ‘you’ refers to whom???)

2. “….don’t you know? Everything you forgot, when you forgot my mother.” (you refers to whom?)

3. “The more I think, the more certain I am, that obedience is the gateway through which knowledge enters the mind of a child.”


4. “We catch our flies with honey, I’m afraid. We haven’t the heart for much else.”

5. “The house is at sixes and sevens from morning to night over this child.” (child refers to whom?)

6. “She only dug Martha’s eyes out. Almost dug. It’s always almost, no point in worrying til it happens, is there?” Why is this comment sarcastic? ‘she            refers to whom?

7. “The only time I have trouble is when I’m right. Is it my fault it’s so often?” (spoken to???

8. “She’s gone, my son and I don’t get along, you don’t know I am you father, no one likes me, and supper is delayed.” Who does she refer to? What         does this tell you about the speaker?  Spoken to???

9. “Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye.” What does this quote mean?

10. “Like the lost lamb in the parable…” What literary term is used in this quote?


Sample True/False Questions


The Keller’s reward 11. Annie’s poor behavior by giving her 12. toys.


13. Annie does not know how to deal with Helen’s disabilities.


Annie believes that 14. Kate must learn 15. language before she can learn 16. obedience.


Sample Multiple Choice Questions.


Helen’s sign for her mother was 17. a. weeping, b. touching her cheek, c. waving her arms, d. none of the above.


Captain Keller wants to fire Annie because he feels 18. a. Annie is not respectful of Kate, b. Annie is not helping Helen

                & fails to show him proper respect, c. Annie is not smart enough, d. Annie is poor.


According to Annie, the primary sin in life is 19. a. cruelty to the handicapped, b. having no expectations for the

                handicapped, c. giving up, d. wasting one’s time.


The character best described as ‘forceful but impudent’ is 20. a. the Captain, b. Kate, c. Annie, d. Helen.



Review the discussion questions and quizzes given over the material


The test will be on Wednesday, 4 April. It will include, quotes, true/false & multiple choice questions and an essay dealing with the use of flashback in the play.


                                                                        GOOD LUCK