The day I cracked up
                                                       (c) MrsMyth

I had a buttocks, quite diseased,
and just last Wednesday when I sneezed,
it came right off! It dropped right out.
The folks began to scream and shout.
"Come here, you bum. Stop being cheeky.
Stop cracking up. Don't be so sneaky.
What you have done is truly heinous.
Don't ass about, you naughty anus."

The wind blew up, and here's the thing,
to throw one more hat in the ring,
from down the road a lady squeals,
as she approached my stray gluteals.
My day just went from glum to glummer;
This dame was dumb, and quite a bummer:
"My goodness me. What's all this farce?".
(I'd had enough pains in the arse)
I didn't know how long I'd last.
My strength was gone. I sure was assed.
"Whose is this preposterous parcel?"
(I now felt like a complete arseh'le)
My head was feeling fully taxed.
My brain minimised as my glutemus maxed.
I'd had a gutful of the rout.
I'm telling you, I bottomed out.)

"Enough already, you old nut.
Just help me please to move my butt."
Instinctively, I had instincted her.
Her shocked mouth pursed like my pink sphincter.
But we bummed a ride, as I grew wearier
I sat upon my own posterior.
I wasn't too sure if I ought,
butt-hole heartedly added my support.

The driver put his foot to the floor;
to the hospital entrance, through the back door.
When the doctors saw my rare rear-end,
they stitched it up to help it mend.
As doctors go they could have been witches;
Witchdoctors might choose smarter stiches.
After maximum stitching, with healing pending,
my rear-end had it's own rare ending.

That passage of life makes me look back;
My back passage no longer has a crack!
What did you think of this poem?
Controversial? Too rude? Or just a bit of fun.

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