How pleasant to know Mr Sherro
(with apologies to Edward Lear)

How pleasant to know Mr Sherro,
who has read such great volumes of stuff.
Some think him an ill-tempered derro,
but most think him pleasant enough.

His mind is abstract and fastidious.
His nose is a regular size.
His visage is scarcely so hideous.
His eyes have the spark of the wise.

When he walks out in wintertime shorts,
the children run after him so;
crying, "Put on some pants!". He retorts;
"But my hat keeps me warm, don't you know."

When he goes for a motorbike ride,
he dons yellow waterproof gear.
He has tumbled, but so far not died.
Some think he's brave; some think he's queer.

He'll watch for a wife, till he meets her.
He'll wait for a friend running late.
He'll purchase balloons, or a pizza.
He weeps at the loss of a mate.

How pleasant to know Mr 'ham.
A pretty good bloke on his day.
He's known as a caring and sharing-ham.
That crazy old scientist, eh!