Mr. Gould

READ ALL OF THIS CAREFULLY! If you do not follow the directions this will not be accepted. This is your first assignment, it is due the first day of school, and can not be late.

Use your first letter of your last name to figure out the history that your assignment is based on.

A-D 1860-1898 in Germany

E-H 1799-1821 in France

I-M 1900-1929 in Russia

N-Q 1934-1945 in Germany

R-U 1870-1948 in the British Empire

V-Z 1930-1975 in Spain

You are to research the time period that is assigned to your name with consideration to the topic that is underlined. You should only use facts that relate directly with European History and that country/ area specified not American history.

Using American history is a common mistake, please strive to not be common, although some figures in American History do play an important role in European history. FDR, Woodrow Wilson, and Teddy Roosevelt are just some Americans that you may encounter, but please simply mention them if you must, do not make this an American History Paper.

You need to first create a timeline of the time period given this time line should have at least 50 events that occurred during the dates given. Use bullet form and please do not include any pictures or symbols- just the facts. See the example below:


A paper will accompany your timeline, which will explain each event that you noted on the timeline. See the requirements below:

Introduction: Must be at least five sentences.

Body: This should be broken up into events in the order that your timeline gives them, attempt to combine the events into paragraphs. Avoid adding things that are not discussed in your timeline. There should not be a separate paragraph for each event; you should see a flow to the paper of how these events are intertwined.

Conclusion: Must be at least five sentences.

FOLLOW THE ABOVE FORMAT TO DESIGN THE STRUCTURE OF YOUR PAPER. Your paper should be written by hand. Type assignments will not be accepted. There should be nothing crossed out on the paper. This is important because everything that you hand in during the year will be done by hand, as will the AP Exam essays that you will have to write when you take that exam.

Your paper should include a bibliography in MLA form. This bibliography should have at least eight references and only two of these eight can be Internet sources or encyclopedia entries. The length of this project will vary dependent on your research ability. Your paper should have a cover page with your name, my name and your American Gov’t teachers name. This is a requirement for the course. THERE IS NO OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE UP THIS ASSIGNMENT.



Rules in writing:

Write out any number under 100. SO one through ninety-nine should be written accordingly.

ALL paragraphs should be at least five sentences.

Please watch for misspellings and poor grammar, although I am not an English teacher, I do expect all of your papers to flow.

Do not type you work.

Have a nice summer J and

good luck.