Mother's Day is a day to honor mothers. My church celebrates Mother's Day by placing a crown on a statue of the Blessed Mother, and the mothers of the parish receive a special blessing. One would think that Mother's Day is a day of celebration, but is it?

Mother's Day is the second major event in the retail conspiracy. The first major event is Valentine's Day. My email was bombarded with advertisements for Mother's Day gifts. The retail industry wants us to believe that we must buy gifts to show that we love our mothers. I know women who expect gifts from their children every Mother's Day. Isn't birthdays, Christmas, and Anniversaries enough for receiving gifts?

People should buy gifts when they feel like it, and not when the retailers say so. Christmas is an exception to this statement because gift giving was part of the first Christmas. People should raise their voices to the retailers and say, "We will buy gifts when we want, and not when you want us to." Stop giving into the retail conspiracy. Do things on your terms, and not the retailers'.

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