The Learning Objection
     A clear problem with moral relativism is that it eliminates the notion of moral learning.  According to moral relativism, all moral belief systems are equally valid and equally true, since their truth is based relative to the individual or the culture in consideration.  It follows that the beliefs of a five year old are as equally valid as the beliefs of a thirty year old for the same individual.  The person in question may have changed her beliefs, but there is no reason to think that her older self is actually wiser.  She cannot be said to actually have learned anything.
      The same can be said of cultures.  The moral values of the pre-Civil War United States is equally valid to the moral values of the modern U.S.  With respect to racism, we cannot say that we actually
learned anything, only that our beliefs changed.  
Long Live Socrates and the Eternal Search for Truth.  Death to Relativism in all its hideous guises.
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