Welcome o my private site. Photography is my hobby for many years. In Czech version you can find a bit more about phototechnique. I didn't translate my Czech texts, because there are many much better articles on the Net about all aspects of photography.

For technicaly oriented amateurs: all photos are from 35 mm negatives. B/W images are on Ilford FP3, HP5 , Foma T200 and T800. Older color photos are on Fomachrome D20, the later on Fuji Superia 100 and Fuji Sensia. I started with Zorki (an old Russian Leica-like camera) and Praktica with a set of Zeiss lenses (East Germany Zeiss from Jena, which were very good), now I use mostly Nikons F70 and FM2 with 18 - 400 mm lenses. Although I use zooms too, I prefer prime lenses.



Czech version

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Copyright (c) Martin Rybák 2002