Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis, Is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system.
Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe. such as paralysis or loss of vision.
The pregression, severity and specific symptoms of MS in any one cannot be
Today advances in research and treatment are giving hope to those affected by
the disease.
MS. is thought to be an auto-immune disease. The bodys own defense system
attacks myelin, The fatty substance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. ( the central nervous system)
The Dammaged myelin may form scar tissue (sclerosis).
Sometimes the nerve fiber is also damaged. When any part of the myelin sheath
or nerve fiber is damaged or destroyed, nerve impulses to and from the brain are distorted or interrupted.
MS is not a fatal disease. Individuals have normal or near normal life expectancies. Most people with MS learn to cope with the disease and live full
productive lives.
The symptoms of MS may include tingling,numbness,painful sensations,slurred speech,and blurred or double vision. Some people expirience muscle weakness,poor balance,poor cordination,muscle tightness or spasticity,or paralysis. which may be temporary or permanent.
Problems with bladder,bowel,or sexual function are common as is fatigue.
MS can cause cognitive changes such as forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating.
It can also cause mood swings. Symptoms may come and go. Appear in any
combination and be mild,moderate or severe. There are medications and therapies to help with most of these symptoms. An estimated third of a million Americans have multiple sclerosis. Most are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40 and about two thirds are woman. Studies indicate that genetic factors make certian individuales susceptible to the disease. But there is no evidence that MS is directly inherited.
This N That
MS is an unperdictable disease. Symptoms vary greatly from person to person, and may also vary over time in the same person. Being alert and aware of any of these symptoms especialy if you have a combination of three or more symptoms together. But it does not nessacarily mean you have MS. but should be taken seriously.
VISION:blurred vision, eye pain, loss, of colour, blinndness either temporary or lasting for several weeks, months, or permanent. double vision, jerky eye movements, lack of coordination between the eyes, flashing lights when moving eyes, abnormal pupil responses.
muscle weakness,muscle weakness in both legs, muscle weakness on one side of the body, muscle weakness affecting all limbs, slurred speech and related speech problems, wasting of muscles due to lack of use. spasms, cramps,involountary contraction of muscles. twitching muscles,TICS. restless leg syndrome.involuntary leg movements especialy bothersome at night.foot drags along floor during walking. dysfunctioned reflexes,MSR's,Babinski's,Huffman's,Chaddocks.
SENSORY: partial numbness,tingling,buzzing and vibration sensations, complete numbness, loss of sensation, pain without apperant cause, burning, itching and electrical shock sensations, electrical shocks and buzzing when moving head.loss of awareness of location of body parts. facial pain.
COORDINATION AND BALANCE: loss of coordination,shaking when performing fine movements, abnormal balance,nauses,vomitting,sensitivity to travel, sickness from vestibular, speech ataxia, problems coordinating speech, stuttering,slow limb position, loss of ability to produce rapidly alternating movements, for example move to a rhythem.
BOWEL,BLADDER,AND SEXUAL: frequent micturation, bladder spasticity, urinary urgency, bladder incontinence, flaccid, bladder,detrousor sphinceter,urinary hesitancy and retention, erectial dysfunction, male and female impotance, anorgasmy, inability to achive orgasm male and female.inability to become sexualy aroused.constipation,bowel urgency,bowel incontinence.
CONGENITIVE: depression,short and long term memory problems,forgetfulness, slow word recall. dementia.mood swings, emotional lability,bipolar syndrome,anxiety,impairments to speech comprehension and production.
OTHER SYMPTOMS: fatigue, unusually over tired, increase in severity of symptoms with heat, gastroesphasgeal reflux, acid reflux, impaired taste and smell, seizures, swallowing problems, respitory problems.
SLEEPING DISORDERS: inappropriatly cold body parts, autonomic nerve problems.