Yusuf Family Website



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Welcome to the CP 107 Class Website

Welcome! This section of my web site is for my CP107 class students. I have included all of the contents that I will be giving out during my "Introduction to Programming with C++" class. Please see the list below for any handouts you may have lost, for future lab assignments and specific things that might be of interest to you.

There may be a few things here and there that have changed and the web site has not been updated. If you note any differences between what you see here and what I pass out in class, take as gospel what I pass out in class. If you do note any discrepancies, let me know so I can make the appropriate changes to the web site and keep everything in sync as much as possible.

General Class Information

NH Technical Institute
 CP107 Class Schedule
 CP107 Syllabus
 CP107 Lab rules
 CP107 Lab Grading Policy
 CP107 Pre-requisite form
 Midterm Review Slides

Important handouts and reading materials
       Getting Started on Debugging with VC++
       Survival Guide to Visual C++ IDE
       Top Down Programming Model
       Common Compiler Errors Explanations
       Variable Naming Convention



Questions or comments?  Send mail to MSaleemYusuf@Yahoo.com
Last modified: 09/01/07