Welcome to the
"Report Card"

awards received by

Ms. Byerly's Classro
(We are so proud!!!
Our very first award!  This award was received from the International Association of Web Masters & Designers and is awarded "in recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence on the Web."  We have received this award two years in a row!
Thank you so much I.A.W.M.D.! 
We are honored!
We are a Class Act Award at About.com!
Our site has been officially recognized as a Class Act!  Class Acts at About.com lists classroom, school and district web pages "of the highest quality" from around the world.  We are delighted!

Ms. Byerly's Classroom won a Lightspan Study Web Academic Excellence Award!  Our site has been selected as "one of the Net's finest informative and is included in the Study Web's listing of educational links!"  Thank you so much Study Web!
We are proud to announce that we've received the Teacher Education Commitment to Education Excellence Award from The Next Step, A Teacher Education Initiative.  This award is given to "sites that have made a major commitment to education through the Internet medium." We are very proud to display it!
Our site recently qualified for the Critical Mass Award!  To receive this award sites must "have useful content, good design and presentation, be easy to navigate, be a worthy enterprise, and a positive contribution to the Web."  We are very proud and thankful for this recognition!