My Web Competition Spirit Page

This ox was adopted from Emperors Gate

Ox (born before Noon you are a Cow) are born with the natural ability to be great leaders, bosses, and organizers. The Oxen is a determined individual with a strong internal drive, the ability to inspire others, and a sense of leadership that they cannot ignore. They are naturally intelligent and are fearless and brave in the face of danger and conflict. Oxens have big hearts and big dreams and they want to share them with worthy people and loved ones. They are also famous for getting things done--and getting them done right! Since they have the innate ability to lead people and projects, Oxen need to guard against getting too demanding or pushy. They are also sometimes misread by family and friends as being too cool and unemotional. The Oxen is a creature of logic--but he or she also has an internal fire that leads them to rise to the top. Unlike in Western cultures, the Ox or Cow is NOT a bad creature (Western cultures see them as fat or stupid). In China, they are special and legendary animals. Oxens are North Northwest on the Chinese Calendar. February is the month of the Ox. The Ox's opposing animal is the Sheep.

*flutter flutter*

Flutterby flew in to say

'Hope you have a great day'

Shouting out loud and clear

Dusting you with spirit & cheer

*flutter flutter*

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