Obviously a work in progress, this site is dedicated to my interest in effectively teaching High School English.  By "effectively," I mean teaching in such a way that students enjoy themselves, develop interpretive skills to orient themselves socially and emotionally, and are proficient writers capable of expressing their voice in a confident, coherent, and convincing manner.
                                   m.scott duncan


B.A. in English and History:  University of Wisconsin -- Madison [2001]

            M.A.T. in English:  SUNY -- Stonybrook [In Progress]

Writer's Handbook
Book of Daniel

Field Experience Log
This Webpage is an on-line portfolio chronicling my work in the M.A.T - English Program at SUNY -- Stony Brook.  Included on this page are two WebQuests, one on Shakespeare's Macbeth, the other on E.L. Doctorow's The Book of Daniel.  One will find a novel unit for David Bradley's The Chaneysville Incident, and also accessible is my Field Experience log.  In the very near future my resume will be available.  I hope your day is going well and that you find my Webpages useful.
The Chaneysville Incident:
A Novel Unit
              Grading Criteria
I am currently working to fix broken links and formating errors within geocities, please bear with me.