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LT Gina Savini, MSC, USN, CHE
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     I'm Lieutenant Gina Savini, a U.S. Navy Medical Service Corps officer and a graduate student in the Baylor University program in Healthcare Administration.  My specialty area within Navy Medicine is Plans, Operations and Medical Intelligence.  Primarily, I plan and manage medical care delivery programs for Sailors and Marines who are deployed at sea or in operational field environments.  I've travelled all over the world and, being a 'sailor' with a 'zen-spirit,' I continually search for new adventures!

   This website was designed as a requirement for a Telecommunications and Networking class.  Its purpose is to provide readers with  information about Disaster Planning, the Navy and Marine Corps, and other health care related topics.  Cast away your mooring lines, click a topic on the right and you'll be underway ... Enjoy!  

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Disaster Preparedness
Deployment / Operational Medicine
Country Studies & Papers
U.S. Navy / Navy Medicine
U.S. Marine Corps