This is about my experience with abortion. If you are thinking about having an abortion or just need someone to talk to about your experience, please email me. I would love to help you in anyway I can. Even if you just need someone to vent to, I'm here.
Before I came to know the Lord my life was a complete mess. I was raped when I was 16 and as a result of that, I got pregnant with twins. I was four months along before I told my parents about it. I really didn't want to tell them about the rape, let alone me being pregnant with twins. I finally got the nerve up to tell my mother.

Against my will, they made me have an abortion. They also made me pay for it in more ways than one. They drove me to the clinic. I broke out in hives all over my body. I remember laying there on the table and saying to myself, "Lord, I know that this isn't your will for me to be doing this and I don't want to do it either, but what else am I to do since I'm only 16?" While I was laying there, I also remember the Dr. telling me there is another one, so it is going to be a few more minutes and to keep concentrating on whatever it was that I was looking at. That is when I broke out in tears.

I remember other people sitting there and looking at me with this strange look on there face. It was like they were looking at me and thinking to themselves, "This isn't as bad as you think it is!" Well, that may have been their opinion, but to me, this was a child that deserved life. Even if I couldn't give my children the material things that they needed, Adoption was an option. Adoption is still option for you.

Had I not been made to have an abortion, my twins would be 17 years old. If you are thinking that you will eventually get over that feeling, I really have to tell you, that pain does NOT go away, not matter how hard you try to forget about it, or how much time goes by. For me, it was an AWFUL experience! The pain is still there, sometimes worse than others, but it is still there. There is always someone you know that has had or is having that experience and it always brings up your feelings about what happened. You NEVER get over that feeling!

I would like to tell you about myself and what God is doing in my life now. I am a stay-at-home mom of 6 children. I have been married for 7 wonderful years now. I am married to the most wonderful man there is. He is a preacher, a youth minister and has a music ministry that goes out into the streets to "Shine the Light" and much, much more. I see God working in my family everyday. I see God in what my children say, how they act, how they handle situations at school. Makes me give the Glory to God for my family.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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