Resource Links


Archdiocese of Newark, NJ

Catholic Charities

U.S. Census Bureau (report on status of income and poverty in U.S.)

Children's Defense Fund

Diocese of Metuchen

American Friends Service Committee (Quarker Organization)

Documents of John Paul II

Feed the Children

Franciscan Homepage

Human Rights U.S.A.

The Path

Pax Christi USA (National Catholic Peace Movement)

St. Mary's Press

Religion and Ethics Newsweekly: weekly top ten religion and ethics stories in the news

Religious Orders

United State Catholic Bishop/United States Catholic Conference

Vatican Webpage



The Notre Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy



Prime resource for Bishops' policy and teaching statements on pro-life issues

Love Matters (pro-life issues)

Organizational and contact information about the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment

Site of Do No Harm: The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics, providing background and current reports on stemcell research

Ads and background information designed to encourage those who are "pro-choice" to take a second look at their position on abortion

Courage: Dealing with homosexuality

Information about abortion's aftermath and the Catholic Church's post-abortion ministry

Factual information about the drug RU-486



Sacred Space--offers a daily, personal five-to ten minute Scriptural prayer opportunity



Alternatives to the Death Penalty

Amnesty International

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

Catholic Worker

Center of Concern


Child Labor

Educators for Social Responsibility

Global Justice Issues

Human Rights for Workers

Significant Themes

John Paul II's Major Encyclicals: summaries

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(One of the largest web listings on Catholic Social Teaching)


© J. Schepers, 2002