Change My Ways
by Veronica
(c) 2000

Chapter Thirty Five

"Oh my god...Oh my god...Nick...Nick...Do you know who I am? Do you know who you are? Do you many fingers am I holding up?"

"Whoa whoa, relax babygirl. You're Alecia, I'm Nick, and three. I'm ok." He whispered.

"Well let me just..."

"Alecia stop....just...wait. Let me look at you."

Alecia stopped moving and looked down at him.

"God you're so beautiful. I don't think I've told you that enough."

"Oh Nick I..."

"No...let...let me finish."

"I should get someone, I don't want you to..."

"I'm fine, just let me say this. Sit please."

She looked at him a minute longer and she sat down slowly in the chair.

"I need to tell you this. You've effected my life so much in this last month. I've come to realize the kind of person I was. And I didn't like it. I admit that at first my main goal was sleep with you. I was mad that you turned me down the first time and decided that I was going to make you my next 'conquest' as I liked to call them. So then I pursued you. You sure did give me a hard time." Nick replied weakly, but smiled.

"Nick, please let me get someone."

"N-no, I need to finish. But something happened along the way. My feelings towards you changed. You're not like anyone I've ever met. You made me want to change. So I guess what I'm saying is, do you help me change or watch me self self-destruct? Cause you know I will if I keep going on the way I am. I know you're the only one who can save me." He finished and took a deep breath.

"Nick...I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll help me. Friends always help each other." He whispered, his voice starting to break up.

"Nick I'm gonna get someone..." She stood and Nick grabbed her hand.

"Say you'll help me...Alecia...please....please..." He choked out.

"Nick...just hold on..."

"Help me..."

She looked at him, as he lay there gasping for air and she knew she couldn't reject him. "I will, I'll help you. Cause you're my friend."

"Thank you. I...I...l...l...." His eyes drifted shut and there was a beep and Alecia looked up at the monitor to see a flatline.

"Oh my god! HELP!! SOMEONE HELP!!" She screamed, running out of the room. "HE'S DYING!! PLEASE!!!!"

Doctors and nurses came rushing towards the room. "Please...please help him!" She cried. She felt arms go around her and turned to find Kevin. "He's...He's dead, Kevin!! Oh god his heart stopped! Oh god...god please, don't take him! Not yet!" She buried her face in his shirt and cried uncontrollably.

"Shh...shhh...he's gonna be fine baby, he'll be fine." Kevin murmured, looking off to the side as the tears poured down his face. Howie, Brian and AJ were watching the two in shock. Brian finally went up to them and wrapped his arms around them, soon AJ and Howie joined in.

Chapter Thirty Six
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