Change My Ways
by Veronica
(c) 2000

Chapter Five

"I don't know, she really didn't say much to me." Nick explained.

"Obviously she has some kind of taste then."

"Shut up Bone!" Nick muttered.

"Why is it so important that you talk to her Nick? I mean you never just talk to any girl unless you want something from them." Brian pointed out.

"What makes you think I want something from her?"

They all stared at him.

"What! I don't! She interests me and I wanna get to know her, that's all."

"Yeah right man, you just wanna be friends right? Invite her to your room for tea and conversation." AJ rolled his eyes.

"Who said I was gonna invite her to my room?"

"Come on Nick, we all know how you are." Kevin replied.

"Please, did you ever think that maybe I've changed?" They all busted out laughing and Nick sighed.

"Come on Chaos, tell us what you're really doing. You know we'd figure it out eventually." Howie remarked.

Nick rubbed at the back of his neck, and looked out across the pool. He didn't like telling them things like this. He never felt like he was at their "level". He guessed that was why he was always with so many different women, like he had to prove himself. He knew it was stupid and he really didn't like to use women like that, but there was no other way.

"She. . . she turned me down." He mumbled.

"Woo, she turned your ass down flat didn't she! I gotta meet this girl!" AJ laughed.

"Whoa! Is Nick loosing his touch?" Brian asked, shocked.

"I was thinking the same thing, but not to fear, I'm not." Nick grinned.

"Oh, I know that look." AJ smirked.

"God Nick, how can you be so damn physical all the time? Don't you care about the women you hurt?" Kevin inquired.

"Sure I care Kev, but hey they should know better when they accept my offer."

They all knew what Nick's problem was; his feeling that he needed to compete with them to prove he was a man. They also knew that at one point someone was gonna come along and was gonna screw up everything and he was gonna hit bottom. . . hard.


Alecia made her way down to the pool, armed with stereo, book and towel in hand. Tomorrow was back to work and she was gonna use this time to relax. She opened the door and the heat along with the heavy scent of chlorine washed over her. She walked over to one of the tables and put her stuff down. She set her stereo up and popped a cd in before removing her shorts and diving in.

Their heads turned at the splash.

"I didn't even hear anyone come in." Howie commented.

They watched as a young woman surfaced and brushed the water and hair out of her eyes and started doing laps along the pool. Howie couldn't help feeling that he'd seen her before. Of course, she was the woman he ran into earlier this morning.

"Hey guys, that's the girl I was telling you about that I met this morning. Let me see if I can get her to come over so you can meet her. She's really sweet." Howie announced, standing up and walking over to the other side of the pool. Nick groaned, he didn't have time to be screwing around, he had things to do.

"Look guys, I'm gonna take off. I got some things to do."

"Yeah like women!" AJ laughed.

Nick smirked and stood and with a wave to the guys started to leave.

Alecia grabbed on to the side of the pool to catch her breath. She missed swimming. She was so busy, that there never seemed to be enough time to do anything that she enjoyed, with work she was just too tired when she got home. She positioned her hands to hoist herself over the edge when a hand appeared before her.

"Would you like some help?" the voice asked.

She lifted her head to see Howie kneeling before her. "Howie! Hey, sure." she replied and took his hand as he pulled her up and out of the water. She was surprised at how strong he was. "Thanks!"

"No problem. I was sitting over there with some friends and I thought you looked familiar. I'd like for you to meet them. Have you got a minute?"

"Of course." She grabbed her towel and headed over to the table with Howie.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet Alecia. She's the one I told you about earlier, I ran into her this morning at breakfast."

There were assorted hi's and hello's from around the table.

"It's nice to meet you all. When I met Howie he told me that he was one of the Backstreet Boys. I see that one of you is missing. . ."

"Have you guys seen my hat? I think I. . . Well, hello again!" Nick greeted, walking back over to the table.

"Oh god no! Not again! Are you stalking me or something?"

"You two know each other?" Kevin asked.

"Oh yeah guys, this is the girl I've been telling you about."

"You mean you're. . . HER?" AJ asked.

They all turned to look at her and she raised an eyebrow.

"Just what did he tell you about me anyway?"

"Not much, just that you turned him down. You obviously have some sort of standards. I like you already!" AJ laughed.

Alecia smiled. "Well, yeah, I guess you could say I'm a little picky."

"A little? You're a lot picky! You're almost as bad as me!" Nick exclaimed.

"I wouldn't dare to compare myself to you."

"Did you get the flowers I sent you?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did, and since my parents brought me up right, I'm forced to say thank you. They're very pretty, I love roses." Alecia silently cursed herself for telling him that.

"Oh you do? I'll keep that in mind then." Nick smiled.

The rest of the guys watched the exchange with growing interest.

"Yeah whatever. Look Howie I have to go, it was nice meeting you all. I hope to see you around." she smiled and walked off. Nick ran after her.

"Have you eaten? How about I take you out for lunch?"


"You just swam all those laps, you've got to be hungry. Just a little something."

"I said no."

Alecia grabbed her things and walked out the room. Nick rubbed at his face, no big deal. He'd just follow her. He had to at least get her to hear him out. He ran back over to the table.

"What's her name?"

They all stopped and looked up at him.

"What?" Brian asked.

"Her name, what is it?"

"She didn't tell you her name?" Kevin questioned.

"God I love her!" AJ chuckled.

"Damnit, AJ will you shut the hell up please!"

"Nick, why don't you just ask her for her name? It does work for some people." Howie said slowly.

"She wouldn't tell me."

"Well, we're not going to either. Sorry bud, you're on your own there." Kevin ended.

"Fine, I'll find out for myself." Nick stalked off. He'd surprise her, find out what she was doing for dinner and then he'd unexpectantly turn up. Nick smiled pleased with himself and headed back to his room to try to figure out how he was going to get his plan to work.

Chapter Six
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