Having It All
by Lee
© 2001-2002

Chapter Twelve

Melanie lunged forward to stretch out her calves and her hamstrings. She could hear Nick complaining to the Sandy about the ease of his routine. Mel’s lips curled in a faint smile as he boasted about his capabilities. She wasn’t sure whom he was trying to impress, but decided testosterone was clouding his judgement. Sandy was a tough taskmaster and he would pay dearly.

Last night at the club had been fun. It brought back her memories of earlier times when her life seemed simpler. She and Nick danced for several songs until someone cut in on her. She had never experienced anything like it. Sam and Brent tried valiantly not to laugh as they saw the outrage register on her face. She should have learned to expect the unusual around a Backstreet Boy. Her only consolation was Nick’s surprised expression as she left the dance floor.

Sandy came to check Mel’s form before returning to Nick’s side. To the trainer, both parties seemed lost in thought and uncommunicative. For the second time since she started working with them, she wondered if they were lovers. She, herself, found Nick extremely attractive and although she had vowed to keep business separate from her personal life, he was severely testing her resolve. Sandy had watched their behaviour with one another. She wanted to find out if they were a couple before she let her attraction to him be known, however, when Nick invited her to stay for a swim and lunch after the workout, Sandra gladly accepted, not giving the other woman a second thought.

“You guys finish your cool-down while I change into my swim suit. I’m just dying to get into that pool,” Sandy announced.

“Sure,” Nick chuckled. “We’ll be fine.” He enjoyed watching Sandy walk away. She had an athletic build and the energetic spring of a dancer to her walk. “Hey, you gonna say anything to me today or what?” The question broke the silence between them. Melanie had said very little since her arrival that morning. He continued talking, uninvited, “You know what? Last night was great. When you decide to party, girl, you rock. I’m glad you decided to come. Hey, you ain’t mad at me or sumthin’, are ya?"


“So, wassup? What’s yo beef?”

“Take a pick.”

“Oh geez, what now? You’re mad at me over that girl, right? Was it the dancing or the making out?”

“I couldn’t give a crap about that. I hope you enjoyed yourself. It was, however, pretty rude of you to continue dancing with her after she cut in on me. But, then again, you’re a sucker for Barbie dolls.”

“Not true.”

“Oh yeah, it’s true. I was surprised she didn’t answer the door this morning.”

“Nah, she left early.” Nick hid his smile. His body shook with laughter when he saw the irritation in Mel’s eyes. “Just kidding.”

‘You’re a moron. I wouldn’t have cared about that either.”

“Yeah. Whatever. I can tell by the look on your face.”

“You flatter yourself. I bet Sandy’s waiting for us already. I’m not going to stay. I have lots of stuff to do before classes end.”

“We need to talk.”

“’Bout what?”

“Stuff. Howie mostly. I’ve got that plan now.”

“Can it wait ‘til tomorrow, Nick? I’ve got too much today.”

“Well, okay but you don’t sound very excited. I figured this would make your day.”

“I am excited, but I have lots to do, and unless your plans are for tomorrow, can’t we talk about it then?”

“Sure. After our run on the beach tomorrow. How ‘bout at breakfast, alright? Hey, and don’t kill yourself today.” Nick leaned forward to give Melanie an impulsive kiss on the cheek.

Until last night, they had made a point of keeping an uncomfortable distance. As she started her little wreck of a car, her hand was drawn to where his damp face had lightly touched hers.

Damn him. Damn him to hell! She thought as she sped off.

“Isn’t Melanie staying?” Sandy inquired. Her bathing suit clung to her curves, inviting Nick’s eyes to do the same.

“Nah. She had lots of work to do, or so she says. She’s a college student and the year is almost over.”

“You don’t sound convinced about her plans. Did you guys have a fight?” Sandy hoped her fishing wasn’t too obvious.

“We’re always fighting. She makes me nuts. Let’s get in the pool. I’m gonna miss swimming when the touring starts. Do ya feel like swimming yet?”

“Sure.” Sandy was disappointed that she was no further ahead. She had felt Nick’s eyes watch her when he thought she wasn’t looking. She wondered if Melanie had noticed it, too. Maybe it had been the cause of the other woman’s early departure. No. She was probably just reading far more into Nick’s invitation than there was. His proximity undermined her sensibilities.

The housekeeper served a lunch of salad greens with a light dressing, fruit and berries and chicken and tuna salad wraps. Although she only came into the cabana to refresh their drinks, and bring and retrieve plates, her presence interrupted their awkward moments.

Nick thoughtfully watched Sandy as she ate. If only she didn’t work for him, Nick thought. She was the best there was in her field in Tampa. He hadn’t felt or looked better in years. Mel’s condition, in such a short time, was a sure testament to the trainer’s ability. When his body ached from the strict exercise routine she’d designed for him, he’d remember how she intrigued him, with her changeable hazel eyes that mirrored her mood. She wanted him too. Of that, he was certain, which made the entire situation interesting. His libido was getting out of hand, he acknowledged, as he ran a frustrated hand through his already disheveled hair.

Sandy saw the look on Nick’s face and watched his actions closely. An involuntary groan rumbled through her as she witnessed his angst. His effect on her was so profound, she feared making a fool of herself, and losing the most prestigious gig she’d had to date. She got up to leave.

“I hate to eat and run, but I have another appointment later this afternoon. Sorry that I can’t stay longer. Thanks for the swim. It was just what I needed, too. You should keep it up, Nick. It’s great for the long muscles without putting any stress on them.” Sandy patted his hand as her eyes begged his understanding.

He smiled compassionately. “No problem! I did say a swim and lunch. I wish it was pizza.” He laughed at her obvious disapproval. “I’m glad you could stay. When are we supposed to see ya next? Monday? I might have to cancel ‘cause I think I have to stay in Orlando. Melanie or I will call you. Maybe you two can workout without me.”


The dogs ran to greet Melanie the next day. They always managed to put a smile on her face and today was no exception. She lifted each of their wriggly, plump bodies to kiss them as she walked to the side entrance the dogs used. She fully expected to see Nick at the door, but Anita was the one to greet her. The middle-aged woman was almost halfway through her normal workday by now. It was only 10:30 a.m., but the house already looked immaculate and smelled of fresh flowers from the garden.

“Should I leave the dogs outside?”

“No. You can bring them in now, thanks. I’m getting ready to feed them.”

“Oh, I’ll do that.” Anita pointed her finger in the direction of the cupboard that stored the pugs’ food.

“Those dogs love you. Animals know who likes ‘em and who doesn’t. They pick up on those things.” The housekeeper, who had always been stingy with conversation or smiles, had accepted Melanie into her domain. She was a stern woman who seldom tolerated interference from others.

“Yeah, I know. I think their judgement’s better than most people’s.” She carried a large jug to the dogs’ room to freshen their water and returned to the kitchen to further offer assistance. “Nick not up yet?”

“No, I don’t think he is. Do you want me to check for you?”

“I’m up. Sorry, I slept in.” Melanie spun around to face the voice that had startled her.

“Why do you always sneak up on me like that?”

“I didn’t mean to. I came down to get some juice before we had to go. I didn’t think you’d be here yet, but I guess I’m real late. Give me a sec.” He gulped down the large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and stuffed two pieces of toast in his mouth at the same time before running towards the stairs to change.

“You’re going to make yourself sick,” Anita scolded.

“Nah, I’ll be alright.” He gave her a lopsided grin. The housekeeper shook her head at him, but the smile on her face proved that she was as susceptible to Nick’s charm as most women.

The run on the beach didn’t wind them like it had the first few times. As they approached Nick’s home again, Melanie slowed down to show off a cartwheel. Nick stopped to watch her gymnastic moves and clapped at her graceful routine right into the frothy waves of the Gulf. An unexpected wave toppled her and Nick panicked when he didn’t see her head surface immediately. He felt his heart sink and broke into a frantic run towards the shore.

Mel spluttered and coughed, pulling herself up to standing position while she tried to catch her breath. Nick patted her back, helping her discharge the water she’d swallowed. Dragging her towards the dry sand, he sat down and brought her down with a thud, next to him. She was still trying to recover and Nick looked visibly shaken.

“Geez. . . you scared me.” The concern on his face was genuine. She was sure he would have dived in after her. Melanie squeezed his forearm and gave him a faint smile.

“Thanks, Nick.”

“S’okay.” He dismissed the incident with false bravado. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. Mel understood that Nick was terrified of showing his vulnerablility with her. She lay down on the beach once she was breathing comfortably and waited for him to do the same. The heat of the sun would dry them quickly, but for now, they would enjoy the silence.

She must have fallen asleep, because Nick’s voice sounded remote as his face hovered above hers. He brought her back to the present moment. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. Were you worried about me?”

To her dismay, her words came out in a sultry whisper. The languid lethargy of the sun-induced nap reminded her of another time she had awoken with Nick by her side. Although she had forced the memories to the furthest recesses of her mind, they came flooding back, along with an instinctive yearning to feel the hard weight of his body on hers. Her warm brown eyes took on a seductive quality and Nick felt an almost mindless need to accept their invitation. His own eyes became riveted to the slightly open lips that were begging to be kissed.

He sat up instead and began to fidget. What was he thinking? They had come this far in their friendship without complications. He wasn’t going back. If only the secret pleasures of the other’s body were a mystery to them. As difficult was it was to go back, he had accepted that she would never be his. Her heart belonged to Howie.

“Nick?” How could he behave responsibly when her voice caressed his name, pronouncing the ‘ck’ with a soft click of her tongue? It took a Herculean effort not to make love to her, right there on the beach. He remained focused on the proprieties their situation called for.

“Do you remember the talk we were going to have?”

“Uh huh.” Melanie was embarrassed. Her longing for Nick’s touch hadn’t come out of the blue, but the degree of her attraction to him did. They both knew he had put the brakes on. She had enjoyed the power of being the desired one. Would he be kinder to her than she had been to him? It had been a long time since she acknowledged her needs and Nick had been the last lover to touch her.

“I have a few things I wanted to talk to you ‘bout.”


“You’re almost done your exams and papers, right?”

“Yes, thank God. I need a break soon. It’s been pretty intense.”

“I’m going to be performing at Howie’s lupus event. It’s coming up next month just before we leave on tour. I can get you a VIP ticket, but it’s better if we’re surprised to see each other there, ya know. I think if Howie sees you there, you two will connect. Trust me, he’ll want to talk to you. You look unfuckingbelievable, and D is a sucker for a gorgeous woman.”

“Nick, Howie hates it when ex’s show up at shows. What if he has a girlfriend or a date?”

“He doesn’t and unless he’s serious, he never takes a date. You know Howie. He keeps his stuff private. Remember how long he kept you under wraps? You were so pissed off with him about it. Every woman who goes out with him knows the deal. We used to all crack up that you weren’t willing to follow his rules. The point is that he won’t have a date. It’s your best chance.”

Melanie thought about it for a minute. She weighed the pros and cons carefully. The only pro was the opportunity to see Howie again, and maybe a chance to resume what they had. It far out-weighed all the cons. She gave Nick an uncertain smile but agreed to the game plan.

“There’s another thing. While we’re on tour, if it won’t mess with you and Howie, I’d like it if you’d stay in the guesthouse and took care of the dogs. You’ll be done school until September and that’s when we’re back. They love you, and you can have some privacy and the use of my house.”

“What about Anita?”

“She can take care of them, but it’s not the same. She doesn’t play with them or anything. She’ll still come in everyday so if you don’t ever want to cook and clean, you don’t have to. I think she likes you too. Trust me, she hasn’t liked a lot of my friends and she makes no secret of it.” Mel laughed. She could see that the older woman wouldn’t be silenced easily.

“It depends what happens with Howie and I, okay? I would hate to compromise my chances with him. I won’t stay here if there’s any risk of him jumping to conclusions but I will come over to play with them everyday. How’s that?”

“That would be perfect. I really appreciate it. I worry about them when I’m away.” He had been nervous about asking her for the favour and was relieved that the matter was now settled. “Let’s go have breakfast. How about a drive down the coast? I’ve gotta go to Orlando tomorrow for rehearsals.”

“Breakfast is good. No can do on the drive. I’ve gotta study. I wish I could go. I’m feeling kinda restless.”

“I hear ya.” Nick stood up and dusted the sand off his legs and arms. He reached for Melanie’s hand and pulled her up to do the same. “I’d help, but if I touched ya, I might not be able to stop. We don’t want to scare Anita. If she goes out on the deck and sees me all over you, out here on the beach, you’ll lose your stamp of approval. I might forget to get that Lupus VIP ticket too.” Nick gave her a devilish wink.

“No way, buddy. A deal’s a deal no matter how irresistible I am.”

“I can’t help myself. You make me forget the rules.”

“You pretty irresistible yourself.” She smiled up at him. He was kinder than she’d been.

The colour that tinged his cheeks and nose would sting soon. She gently put her hand on his face and felt the warmth radiate from it. “We better eat inside or you’re really gonna feel that burn tonight.”

“You’d think, after all these years, my skin would get used to the sun.”

“It doesn’t work that way, Nick. Even my darker complexion burns. We all have to be careful.”

“Really? You and Howie just look like you get darker and darker. It amazes me.”

“Nope, we burn. Let’s get some aloe cream on you, and then eat. I’m starving.”

They broke into a run and raced to the steps of the deck.