A Christmas Wish Kiss Part Two
by Dortie
(c) December, 2000


Dottie and Nick left the Christmas party knowing something special would happen. Dottie just wished she didn't have on that dorky elf outfit. Nick took Dottie back to his hotel room, not really sure where the night would lead. He wanted her, there was not doubt in that, but he wanted more. He wanted to know her, who she was and what makes her tick. He hoped she wouldn't think he was completely crazy.

As he unlocked the door and opened it, they were greeted by music. Nick looked shocked, not knowing who was in his room. As they walked in, he could see the rest of the guys had decided to use his room as party central. There was Brian and Amy, talking like they had known each other forever. The rest of the guys were there and had hooked up with three friends of Amy and Dottie. Kevin had met Ana and was instantly hooked by her bubbly personality and killer smile. AJ had met CJ. Just there names alone made AJ think they were perfect for each other, but she had this sexual energy about her that made him totally nuts. From where Nick and Dottie stood, it looked like AJ was on the verge of attacking her. Howie had met Lee. She seemed down to earth, but a little fiery. Just what Howie needs. Someone who will party with the best of them, but she knows how to be human too. Nick and Dottie were both delighted to see all their friends having a good time, but both were disappointed they wouldn't be alone.

Amy saw them come in and made her way over to the door. She said, "Hi guys. Sorry we barged into your room Nick, but the party ended, and we just wanted to try to keep it going. AJ said we'd just bring it here, is that ok?"

Nick didn't want to be rude, so he said, "Sure, that's great."

Dottie slid her hand into Nick's and said, "We just came to get his jacket, Nick and I are going for a drive."

Nick looked a little surprised, but recovered quickly. He said, "Yeah, you guys enjoy the party we'll be back in a while. Just don't trash my room."

AJ said, "Nick, man, would we do that?"

Nick laughed loudly and said, "Yes Bone, you would!"

AJ chuckled, "Nick, it's Christmas Eve. Tonight we have to be good."

Nick picked his jacket up and said, "We'll be back in a while, you guys have fun."

As Dottie and Nick entered the elevator, Nick said, "When did we plan on going driving?"

Dottie laughed and said, "We aren't. Amy and I got rooms here so we wouldn't have to drive all the way home. We are going to my room."

Nick laughed, easing his arm around her waist and said, "You are amazing."

Dottie laughed out loud, "Nope, I just want you all to myself for a while."

As they made their way to her room, Nick said, "I'm all yours." If Nick only knew how those words made her feel. When they got into her room, Dottie said, "I'm going to get out of this ridiculous outfit, make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back."

When she bent to pick up her bag to take to the bathroom, Nick grabbed her hand. She looked up to see what was going on and his lips closed over hers in another fiery kiss. She moaned, pushing her body against his as her hands found their way to his shoulders, then up into his hair, pulling him even closer to her.

When they finally came up for air, she said, "Wow, Nick, what was that for?"

"I've wanted to do that since I walked into that room and saw you in that outfit. You look so sexy in it."

Dottie blushed and tried to laugh it off, but the laughter died in her throat when she saw the naked desire in his eyes. He wanted her. She lightly scraped her fingernails on his neck and said, "Nick, what's happening here?"

Nick looked into her eyes and said, "I want you, Baby."

Dottie's body quivered under his touch as he slowly undressed her, his eyes caressing her with undisguised lust. As the last of her clothing fell away, he said, "You are so damn sexy."

Dottie had been doing some work of her own and had Nick undressed to his boxers. She said, "Nick, I want you. I want you inside me."

"Well, Elf, I can grant YOUR wish."

Laying her back on the bed, his body covered hers and he entered her swiftly, causing her to gasp in pleasure. They rode the waves of ecstasy for endless moments until Nick let out a gutteral howl and came inside her.

As they lay enjoying the aftermath of their love making, Nick's cell phone rung. He said, "I have to get it, it's probably Brian." Rolling over, he stood, walking to where his pants had fallen, taking his phone out of his pocket. He answered it with a curt, "Whadda ya want?" After several seconds, he said, "Dammit, Brian, why my room?"

Dottie knew something had happened. Leaning up, she slid her arm around his waist. He covered her hand with his and said, "OK, Brian, we'll be there soon." Hanging up the phone, he said, "Well, they trashed my room. They broke the bed, put a hole in the wall, and somehow ruined the carpet."

Dottie gasped, her hand clutching his. "Nick, what happened?"

"Let's go see."

As they walked into Nick's room, Dottie gasped. It looked like a wrecking crew had been in it. Everyone but Dottie and Nick were dying laughing. Nick said, "What the hell happened to my room?"

AJ said, "Nick, man, I'm sorry, it's my fault. I wanted a margarita and ordered one. I accidentally knocked the tray out of the waiter's hands."

Nick said, "OK, Bone, but how did the hole get in the wall?"

Kevin said, "Man, that's my fault. I tried to catch the tray when it fell and I tripped, and when I did, I flung the tray and it sort of crashed into the wall."

By this time, Dottie is hid behind Nick's shoulder beginning to giggle. Nick didn't hear her and turned to Brian and said, "OK, what happened to the bed?"

Brian and Howie looked a little bit shamefaced as the rest of the crowd busted up laughing. Dottie didn't know what had happened, but she couldn't help laughing with them. She just hoped it didn't make Nick mad.

Nick was patiently waiting for an answer. Brian said, "Man, Frack, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Howie said, "No, it's my fault."

Nick said, "I don't care, just tell me what happened."

Brian said, "Well, Nick, whoever was in the room above this one was having some kind of good time. Damn, man, you should have heard them, screaming and moaning. We heard it over the music. And thumping? They must have really been going at it. We tried to get their attention, but they apparently didn't hear us. So Howie and I got on the bed to try yelling at them. That's when the bed broke."

AJ took over then. "Nick, it was SO strange, that one voice sounded like you."

By this time, Dottie had figured out that it was her room over Nick's. Her face turned red as Nick stuttered for a reply. Amy said, "Come on, be nice, leave them alone."

Kevin said, "Leave them alone? Hell no! Do you know how damn horny I am right now from hearing them?"

Everyone was stunned at Kevin's statement, including Kevin. Ana walked up to him and said, "I think I can help you out with that Train," slowly grinding her body to his. Lee looked at Howie and knew that he was as hot as she was. Putting her arms around his neck, she captured his mouth in a deep, probing kiss. CJ and AJ were all over each other, AJ's hands finding their way into her shirt. Brian gave Amy this sexy grin as he began grinding against her, his body becoming rock hard.

Nick was stunned, not knowing exactly what to do. Dottie slid her hands around him from behind, rubbing his chest. She said, "Nick, I think they need to go to their rooms now."

Nick said, "Oh really, why?"

He turned to face her as she said, "I want you Nick, I want you now."

"Baby, that's all I wanted to hear." Raising his voice, Nick said, "OK, it's time for all of you to leave."

Pulling his lips from Amy's neck, Brian said, "Why Nick?"

With a devilish smile, Nick said, "Because Santa's not the only one cumming tonight, B-rok."

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