Letterboxing is an obscure pastime reminiscent of an old time treasure hunt. By following clues the letterboxer is led to a hidden container, oft times in a spectacular or interesting place. The "treasure" is a small box hosting a stamp and logbook. You've "found" this letterbox by leaving your personal stamp impression (aka your signature) in the box's logbook and placing the box's stamp impression in your personal logbook of "finds." The box is then carefully repacked and hidden in the exact spot you found it. For more about this pastime visit the grandfather of  letterbox sites www.letterboxing.org and read the FAQ.
Letterboxing North America Website
Zeus and MTnestRobin
MtnMan's Signature Stamp
My "signature" stamp since 1999, now retired!
MtnestRobin's signature stamp commemorating 100 Letterbox finds!
Photo Gallery         Clues              Links             Back To The Top           Our Adventures           Fun Page           Contact Me
What is Letterboxing?
Who is MTnestRobin?

Why a letterboxer, of course!

I letterbox with my indulgent husband, MtnMan,
and trail companion, Zeus "the moose."
Frequently we join ranks with some dear friends
and "morph" into a slap stick comedic foursome
called Team Frick 'n' Frack!
P13  F352 X83
What's This?
Our Adventures in Letterboxing
Clues to My Letterboxes
Our Letterboxing Photo Gallery
The Fun Page
Favorite Links

What's Going On!


Solve the Old English Puzzle on my
Fun Page and email me the solution. I will put you on and old fashion paper list to receive WOM clues.
Probably something, but I haven't been paying attention!
Use the link to check out what's happening near you.
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Yahoo Geocities is closing for good!

I will be trying to move my site elsewhere!