Here are some of the nice and heartwarming things people have written in our guestbook.
*rose - 11/15/99 09:29:02
Favorite Radio Personality: ??
Favorite Movie: Oh God- George Burns
Do you like cake?: yup!!
Favorite Web Page:
City or State or Country or Planet: East Texas
How did you find us?: surfing

You are one cute little guy!! I have enjoyed visiting your web pages. My prayers are with you.. My friend George has this disease. I was searching to help him and I found your page.. Your mom has saved me a LOT OF WORK!! Tell her thanks and God you and your family.. *rose

Vivid - 11/18/98 05:08:38
Favorite Radio Personality: I like all sorts of radio..even internet radio!
Favorite Movie: Logan's Run
Do you like cake?: Yes!..But like to create them more than to eat them
Favorite Web Page:
City or State or Country or Planet: Born and raised in Germany.Now living in Michigan, USA
How did you find us?: search engine

Leah!..Love your cake page!..It gave me a lot of ideas and made me create my own page..I have just been cake decorating for a couple of years now so I am not a pro ..yet...I very much enjoy working with colors and yummy frosting. The reason I signed this ook though is that I borrowed a couple of your page images..No ..none of your cakes..just the icingbag background and the little b-day cake image you have. Hope you don't mind..Please feel free to see for yourself at the above addy. Of course my page is n t as involved and beautiful as yours. I am just an amateur. As a thanks for the images I added you to my link list. I am looking forward to check back to your site soon..To watch it grow..Great Job Leah!...Love and cyber Hugs from Vivid

Maureen Schinkel - 06/22/98 06:11:36
Favorite Radio Personality: the car guys on public radio
Favorite Movie: Strictly Ballroom (an Aussie flick with lots of homesick cues)
Do you like cake?: I love cake! I make cakes!
Favorite Web Page: Yours is the best I've ever seen
City or State or Country or Planet: Cincinnati Ohio and Perth Australia
How did you find us?: Looking for cake ideas on the web

Hello! I have 2 children, Emily and Josiah and a wonderful husband, Tom. I was looking for some ideas for a wedding cake--I am a new decorator. I looked at Leah's lovely cakes and I was intrigued by the Jewish aspects of her webpage--the cakes, the holid ys, the names of her kids! I am a Christian but am extremely interested in my Jewish spiritual heritage so decided to have a look around your pages. I am so impressed by your lovely family and feel so much for your struggles--your hopes--for Yossie Chai and your other children. My cousin Sarah had Hodgkins disease at the age of 16 and my sister Deborah had thyroid cancer also at the age of 16. So I can feel a little bit of your pain--so many of your "updates" brought tears to my eyes. Well, I want to wish God's blessings on your family and I will pray for you.

Marie Browne - 02/11/98 03:52:34
Favorite Radio Personality: Howard Stern
Favorite Movie: Private Parts
Do you like cake?: Yes! Yes! Yes!
Favorite Web Page: Yours
City or State or Country or Planet: Not LOV
How did you find us?: ESP

Michael, good talking with you, again! I miss not having you next door, talking about Howard Stern and Ukrops! I hope that you and Leah and the kids are doing well (as well as you can, anyway)! It breaks my heart to think of your son being so sick... lease let me know if I can help with babysitting, a fundraiser, writing hate-mail to Ukrops, etc. My womens club had our meeting tonight and I said something about Yossi having a bone marrow transplant. At first they wanted to give you a certificate to krops (of all places), but I talked them out of that. I've got some cold, hard cash to give you - let me know when and where and in what denominations you would like your $$$$. Also, I am serious about wanting to help with fund raisers. Please let me k ow what organizations are helping to raise money and please give them my name and number! I like your home page! I may steal some stuff!

sarah noble - 01/20/98 17:22:31
Do you like cake?: yes
Favorite Web Page: beanie babies
City or State or Country or Planet: independence, mo
How did you find us?: ped-onc talk line

I'm 9 years old and just had a cord blood was a long time in the hospital but now I'm home having fun. Hang in there and write me if you like. We'll be praying for you.

pacole - 12/30/97 22:23:00
Favorite Radio Personality: Tim Timberlake
Favorite Movie: Michael
Do you like cake?: no! fattening
Favorite Web Page: oncolink
City or State or Country or Planet: VA
How did you find us?: Your Mother!

Congratulations on your remission! We are very proud of you and the wonderful attitude you maintained through your treatment. You can borrow the Superman audiotapes anytime!!! polly

Liz Edwards - 10/30/97 01:47:18
My Email:lizedwar@busprod
City or State or Country or Planet: INDIANA
How did you find us?: ped-onc

Just read your last notes and wanted to see Yossi. He and you all continue to be in my prayers. I have RN friend in the transplant ward in Jerusalem who will be here for a visit. I'll ask her about matches. Hold on to your faith and keep looking for answers. There are many new procedures out there. Know that you have prayers going up in many languages and through many faiths. Sometimes I needed t talk with God every 5 minutes and sometimes more often. The knowledge that everyone was praying gave us all much strength. I know there is some new procedure at St Jude's that came from the Netherlands or there was this spring. We had planned to go fo that next. Last fall it wasn't here (US) but we ran out of time to go. Survival rates are meaningless without a case by case study to determine the risk of the cancer and whether or not they have other complications. They also are separate for the BMT procedure itself, relapse, GvHD, new disease. It was difficult informat on to get much less compare. Try to match against same type diagnosis and prognosis if you compare. God's peace be with you. Liz

Karen Beleck - 09/21/97 17:45:40
Favorite Web Page: my own
City or State or Country or Planet: Baltimore, MD
How did you find us?: Debbie Colby

Dear Leah and Michoel, We were shocked to hear your news about Yossi. Needless to say, we will keep him in our prayers. What is the prognosis, and what can we do, other than the davening, that can be helpful? Yosef was very sad, and asked me to tell you that he will dave for Yossi as well. Debbie Colby sent the info. Be well. We love you. Karen, Mordechai, Yosef, Eliahu, Shira Mindel, and Ze'ev

Rich Lehman - 09/18/97 01:18:21
Favorite Radio Personality: Rush Limbaugh
Favorite Movie: Star Wars Trilogy (is there any substitute!?!)
Do you like cake?: Who doesn't? But if I have to answer... NO, I can't stand it (pause)... OK OK I admit it, I do, I really really do. I love cake mmmmmmmmmm....
Favorite Web Page: If I said yours, would you believe me?
City or State or Country or Planet: Richmond. West End that is.
How did you find us?: Rolled off a log, fell off a cliff, paddled through shark infested water, hiked hundreds of miles, asked everyone in the neighborhood, looked in the yellow pages, rented a metal detector (that was for Yossi), and when I didn't find anything I just entered in the web address you gave me!

It is great to see you all again, even though its in cyberspace. I miss the RTA this year. I'll have to come by and see the kids just to get my fix of "CUTE" for the year! Take care and stay in touch.

tzipporah - 07/23/97 02:33:14 GMT
Favorite Radio Personality: Nochum Seigel
Favorite Movie: Home Alone
Do you like cake?: WHAT A QUESTION!!!!!
Favorite Web Page: THIS ONE
City or State or Country or Planet: I think this is Earth
How did you find us?: you told me how to find you

Really Cool web page Leah!!A lot nicer than some other ones I've seen...not boring at all....and those cakes!!!! YUMM!!!! Georgeous!!!!! Send me some!Why are you so skinny when you are around all that cake??!I guess you get sick of cake at one point if yo are always around it....hey! Thats an idea!You need an assistant?It probably wouldn't help a diehard cakeaholic like me though....oh well.....What a question!!!" Do I Like Cake?" What do YOU think?

me - 07/07/97 04:20:07 GMT
My URL:http://your here
My Email:it's on the first page
Favorite Radio Personality: H*O*W*A*R*D!!!
Favorite Mo ie: P.P.
Do you like cake?: no.....
Favorite Web Page: The Riven Journals
City or State or Country or Planet: sometimes I wonder
How did you find us?: word of mouth

This is an awesome p ge... See, it's not so scary to sign a guest book. How about if more people do it??????????? leah

K & H - 07/03/97 00:04:22 GMT
My Email:you know
Favorite Radio Personality: ? & DM
Do you like cake?: yes & yeah
Country: USA
Favorite Movie: All

Comments: br>Glad to see the new pictures and glad to see you included L & M, as well as the children. What happened to "Hey now?"

Dovie - 07/01/97 18:46:07 GMT
Favorite Radio Personalit : Jimmy Malone (gotta be a Clevelander!)
Do you like cake?: Of course!
Age: 21 (and still looking, *hint hint* )
Country: No, I prefer jazz. *smile*
Favorite Movie: Outbreak
Religion: Judaism

Vonderful Page let me tell you! My only question is vere is de link back to mine page?! :) Keep in touch, and maybe vone day I'll make it to XXXXX to say hi! -Dovie

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