(Rabbi Zeilingold is one of the rabbis who live in MN. He met Yossi the first Shabbos we were there.)



We are all mourning together with you for Yosef Chaim just as we are all mourning together for Zion and Jerusalem. We all believe without question that HaShem will bring Zion and Jerusalem back to life with the coming of Moshiach - so too we all believe that very soon Yosef Chaim will be back together with us and then - HaShem Himself will wipe away your tears.

Yosef Chaim was in our Shul in St. Paul Minn. 8 weeks ago when we read Parshas Shemos. That Torah portion ends with Moshe Rabbenu asking of HaShem "Why have you dealt badly with your people...?" In the afternoon for Mincha we read the first paragraphs of the next sedra. HaShems answer to Moshe. He doesn't realyy give him a direct answer. What He really is saying is that "I am Hashem - please trust me and I promise you that you will see the good." HaShem promises you that very soon Yosef Chaim will be back with you and with all of us. HaShem has borrowed him to teach him one-on-one for his Bar Mitzvah.

On that Shabos afternoon for Mincha Yossi Chaim was given the Torah honor of Gelilah - to wrap a sash around the entire Torah. In order to do that he had to put his arms around the Torah. This is how I got to know Yossi aim - he embraced the entire Torah with love. Yosef Chaim means 'increased life' - He is now on a greater and more intense level of life . For the time we knew him he gave to all of us an increased awareness of what life really means. May HaShem give to each of you 'Yosef Chaim' - Arichat Yomim veshonim Tovos- and may we all - together with Yosef Chaim - very soon - go out of Golus - to the true Geula - very very soon.

With best personal wishes to each of you,
Rabbi Asher Zeilingold

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