Valentine Ferrary and Daughters

Arrived Port of New York
January 8, 1903

~ S. S. Finland - Red Star Line ~

Valentine Ferrary Family Photograph Album

VALENTINE FERRARI and daughters MARIA and TERESIA sailed from Antwerp on the S. S Finland on December 29, 1902. They arrived at the Port of New York on January 8, 1903. Their final destination was the home of Valentine's brother, "M" Ferrari, in Paterson, NJ. This is an error. Valentine did not have a brother whose first name began with an "M." Research indicates that they were going to his brother Anthony's home.

According to family oral history, Anthony had sent money for a ticket to his niece, Valentine's daughter, Maria. When it was time for Maria to leave her home, she had second thoughts about leaving her family. It was decided that her father and sister would travel with her to the United States. The rest of the family followed soon after.

The manifest of the S. S. Finland provides the following information: (The lst answer is Valentine's; the 2nd is Maria's, the 3rd is Teresia's. When the answers are the same for all three travelers, it will be written only one time. )


  1. No. on List: 18; 19; 20
  2. NAME IN FULL: Ferrari, Valentin; Maria; Teresia
  3. Age: 46; 17; 14
  4. Sex: M; F; F
  5. Married or Single: married; single; single
  6. Calling or Occupation: laborer
  7. Able to Read: yes - Write: yes
  8. Nationality: Tyrolian
  9. Last Residence: Leifers
  10. Seaport for landing in the United States: Italian (The reply does not answer the question, but that is what is written.)
  11. Final Destination in the United States. (place, city, or town):Paterson, NJ
  12. Whether having a ticket for such final destination: no
  13. By whom was passage paid: self
  14. Whether in possession of money, if so, whether more than $30 and how much if $30 or less: ---; $20; ---
  15. Whether ever before in the United States and if so, where and when:No
  16. Whether going to join a relative; and if so, what relative. Their name and address: brother: M. Ferrari, W. 18th and 30th Sts., Paterson, NJ
  17. Whether a Polygamist: No
  18. Ever in prison or almshouse or supported by charity? If yes, state which:No
  19. Whether under contract expressed or implied, to labor in the United States.No
  20. Condition of Health, Mental and Physical: good
  21. Deformed or Crippled. Nature, and cause: No

The FINLAND was a 12,760 ton vessel built in 1902 by W. Cramp and Sons of Philadelphia for the Red Star Line. Her dimensions were 560ft x 60.2ft and she had a straight stem, two funnels and four masts, twin screw and a speed of 15 knots. There was accommodation for 342 lst, 194 2nd and 626 3rd class passengers. She sailed under the American flag between New York and Antwerp until 1909 when she was transfered to the Belgian flag. When America entered the war in 1917 she was taken over as a U.S. troop ship until torpedoed 150 miles from the French coast. She reached St. Nazaire where she was repaired.

The Red Star Line line ran ships under three different flags (American, British and Belgian) and they transferred vessels continually between flags, different services and chartered to other companies. After alterations in 1919 to accomodate more 3rd class passengers and after many transfers, the Finland was scrapped in 1928 at Blyth.

Music Playing: "Saint Louis Rag" by Tom Turpin (1903).

Ship information found at The Immigrant Ships Web Site

Music provided by ~ Primeline Midi Library ~ Keep on Ragtimin.

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