The Milker of the sheep is here



A True story.

During the time of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq would go to the homes of the old, the orphans, the weak and the needy in his neighbourhood to help them in whatever way he could.

He milked the goats of some, kneaded flour and helped bake bread for others. For all this he was known as the most Kind and merciful of people.

After the death of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam), when Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu) became the Khalifah and the head of the Muslim state, some of these people feared that they had lost the gentle care and the services of Abu Bakr. He heard a widow saying:

"Today, our sheep will not be milked."

"By my life," said Abu Bakr, "I will milk it for you."

As soon as he could, he went to the widow's house and knocked at the door. A little girl opened the door and as soon as she saw him, she shouted:

"The milker of the sheep is here, mother!"


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