A little bit about the crazy budgie owner...
Name: Lindsay McCrea Lougheed
Age: 19

I have always loved animals and although my dad and brother are VERY allergic to fur, feathers and fluff I have always managed to have SOME type of pet in my life. Since moving out of my parents place I have realized I will soon have a personall zoo!!!
I currently own four birds (as you know) and one horse, Merlin.

In the past I have owned 2 dogs; Teagan and Karliegh, another horse; Destiny, 3 mice; Nibbles, Friskey and Obey, 2 other budgies; Ben and Joe, 2 Hermert Crabs; Sheldon and Roxanne, 4 rabbits; Toledo, Persia, Shammi and Delta, and LOTS of fish (most named Burford!)
Although my birds truly do make up a huge priority in my life I also attend Univesity as a history Major and have a wonderful boyfriend named Matt. Matt also LOVES the little budgies (although he was VERY skeptical initally)
I am a super lucky girl with a loving and talented family! My love for animals comes from my mom. She taught me how important it is for an animal to be happy and showed me that every animals has a personality when given a chance to show it off. (You would be amazed at some of our animal stories). She also taught me how to care and love animals properly; always enough and never too much (no squeeeezing!). My dad, an animal lover at heart (but he would never admit that) has put up with my mom and I's attempts to fill our house with animals even though he is allergic.
My dad is a very talented musician a gene he passed on to my brother but forgot to give me! You can check out his site here (music perfect for soothing your bird or keeping it company while you're out of the house).

All in all I have an awesome family and a pretty great life filled with people and animals that I love.