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100% berasal dari bahan Alami yang diproses dengan Teknologi Modern dan BEBAS EFEK SAMPING 
Kaki yang telah busuk karena penyakit Diabetes (Kencing Manis) dapat sembuh berkat RG dan GL.

Kami di sini hanya memberikan SARANA yang telah dibuktikan oleh banyak orang. Sedangkan KESEMBUHAN HAKIKI tetap berasal dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Kesaksian ini diperoleh dari orang-orang yang telah berhasil mengkonsumsi produk DXN (terutama RG dan GL) dengan penyakit yang selama ini di deritanya. Kesaksian yang ditampilkan hanya sebagian kecil.

Nama : Bpk. Drs. Hasbullah BcHK
Umur : 53 tahun
Alamat : Assirot Dalam No. 28 RT 012/01, Kp. Kecil Jak-Bar
Keluhan Kencing manis kadar gula 518
Sakit pinggang sejak kecil
Asmatis Bronhitis sejak kecil
Hipertensi 170/110
Sudah berbagai produk multi level marketing yang saya sudah coba tetapi hasil tidak memuaskan. Salah seorang teman yang sudah menjadi distributor DXN dan disuruh ikut bergabung. Pada tanggal 6 September 1997 dibukanya DXN di Jakarta, saya resmi menjadi distributor. Saya mengkonsumsi 1 pasang RG dan GL selama 1 minggu, memasuki minggu kedua ditambah menjadi 2 pasang RG dan GL dan reaksi terjadi rasa pegal bagian pinggul, rasa pusing dan suara serak, dan pada bagian pinggang terasa dipukul-pukul, tetapi saya tetap bertahan dan mengkonsumsi RG dan GL. Selepas minggu kedua semua rasa sakit hilang, tekanan darah normal 110/70, kadar gula menjadi 139, sakit kepala sembuh. 3 bulan kemudian penyakit Asmatis Bronhitis baru bereaksi dan saya muntahkan riak yang berwarna kuning, serta yang keluar dari hidung cairan kental seperti nasi berwarna putih. Penyakit Asmatis Bronhitis, tanggal 1 Februari 1998 dilakukan cek-up ke dokter, hasilnya dinyatakan kondisi tubuh normal. Sampai saat ini saya masih mengkonsumsi 1 pasang RG dan GL setiap hari.

Nama : Ade Abdullah Syukrul Ghani
Umur : 6 tahun
Alamat : Jl. Jati Padang Raya Gg. Langgar II No. 28 RT 011/03 Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan 12620
Keluhan Gangguan Ginjal
Sejak umur 2 sampai 6 tahun selalu dalam perawatan dokter Spesialis, namun hasilnya kurang memuaskan, kondisi tubuh terutama pada bagian kepala yang membesar tidak bisa normal. Orang tua beliau yang bernama Bapak Nurdin salah seorang Distrubutor DXN mencoba untuk mengkonsumsi RG dan GL kepada anaknya. Dengan konsumsi 1 pasang RG dan GL selama 1 minggu. Memasuki minggu kedua reaksi yang terjadi tubuh terasa panas, keluar keringat yang banyak selama 7 hari. Badan yang tadinya membengkak terutama pada bagian kepala sudah normal, dan setelah diperiksa ke dokter, beliau merasa heran karena ginjal anak tersebut normal. Sampai sekarang tetap mengkonsumsi RG dan GL 1 pasang setiap hari

According to DXN Country Manager, Alan Hoi, there are about 400,000 testimonies of the products RG and GL. Below a few taken from the DXN monthly.

Age : 46 years
Address : Lot 2704/R114 Jalan Surau, Kg.Tunku Abdul Rahman, Lambir, Miri, Sarawak.
Disease Gastric Ulcer
I have contracted the disease since 1987. Whenever I felt hungry or ate something, I would experience a tight feeling and sharp pain in the stomach. Sometimes there was black blood in the faeces. All of these used to be common in my life. After Mr. Ahmad Najb B. Shafiee's introduction, I began to take one pair of RG and GL in the morning after breakfast. After a month I felt sleepy and chest pain, however, I still continued the consumption of the products. In the first week of July 1997, there was ringing in my ears for a week. According to "Ganotherapy", this showed that there was a problem in my kidneys. After 10 days the ringing disappeared and my ears became normal again. Besides the ringing in my ears, there were white spots over my skin and face such as patches and rash. I continued to take the products following the instruction, second week two pairs, third week three to five pairs and the following week five to fifteen pairs per day. For me taking the products has greatly improved my health. Thank God, I have recovered and since then my appetite has improved. I have put on some weight.

Address : Thousand Oaks, California
Disease Lower backache, canker sores, bursitis, enlarged prostates.
I live partly in Indonesia and because of my age I contracted a lot of these "Old Age Diseases". One day a lady in Indonesia came to me and asked me if I wanted to become a distributor for the DXN company. Having some experience with the MLM business in the US, I declined the offer, however just to do her a favor, I bought a small set of the RG and GL capsules. I took a pair of the capsules every morning as soon as I woke up, just to see if it would do "anything" to me. I was a skeptic when it came to herbs, because when I was in the US, for about a year I went every week to an acupuncture clinic for my back pain and also with it took a lot of herbal remedies. Sometimes the pain disappeared for a while, however it always came back. My doctor told me that the only thing to operate on my back. (with some risk involved). After taking the pills for about two weeks I noticed that I could sleep better, because my back pain didn't wake me up anymore. It was still there, however much less severe. My first thought was: oh, just a coincidence, but from that time on the pain became less and less. For the last twenty years or so I always had canker sores in the worst way. The pain was so bad, that sometimes I couldn't eat for several days. These canker sores were part of my life; any remedy I took for it was strictly temporary. I am using the Ganoderma now for about eight months and since day one, I never had these sores again. I must confess however, that sometimes during the first four months, I got some blisters in my mouth, but by applying the RG powder (from the RG capsule) on the blister, it usually disappeared within two days, but without any significant pain. For the last three months I never got any of these blisters again, no matter what I eat. I used to get it immediately after eating or drinking citrus products or by eating pineapple. Before taking the Ganoderma, I used to go to the bathroom about five times a night to urinate. Now, I go only before I go to bed and in the morning as soon as I get up. This is also a result of using this product I didn't even mention the other problems I had: a bad knee, some arthritis in my elbow and right hand and stamina. Today I feel like a completely different person, I feel like I am 20 years younger and now I can do things again that I was unable to do before.

MY CONDITION TODAY: No more canker sores, no bursitis, no knee pain, no more arthritis pain, smaller prostates. I still have a very slight back pain (about 5%), but only in the morning, however to a point where I can live with it. I THANK GOD THAT I RUN INTO THIS PRODUCT.

Ganoderma does not have any side effects, however after using the product you might experience a reaction. This is a good sign. It means the product is working. What it does: It releases the toxins that are settled in your body. After a few days these reactions will diminish. If you suffer from Migraine headaches for instance, your headache might even get worse for a few days, but then it will disappear. If a reaction gets too severe, cut your doses in half for a few days.


Independent DXN Distributor
Cipto Diharto
Perumh. Graha Kencana
Blok : H No. 11B
Kedanyang - Gresik
Jawa Timur - 61122
HP : 081 551 0 4131

Berbagai Artikel Yang membahas mengenai Ganoterapi

Pengakuan Internasional :

DXN Indonesia
Gedung Indra Central Cempaka Putih Unit MNOPQ,
Jalan Letjen Suprapto No 60, Jakarta Pusat 10520, Indonesia.
Tel : 00-62-21-4260088
Fax : 00-62-21-4265306

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