****** KEY POINTS******

a.. There is 600mg of Transfer Factor Advanced formula in a day’s serving as is the case with Transfer Factor capsules.
b.. It is an additional delivery method for individuals to take their daily requirements of transfer factor.
c.. We are pleased to offer a unique combination of Transfer Factor and antioxidants found in the Açai berry and other fruits.
d.. Cross-cultural compatible (no capsule issues).
e.. Unlike other "drinks" on the market, we do not hang our hat on one berry. Transfer factor is the most important ingredient.
f.. RioVida will be sold in packs of two bottles.
g.. 500 ml per bottle. 30 ml (approx 1 ounce) per serving. Serving suggestion is "one or more ounces per day". Approx 16 servings per bottle.

More Natural Ingredients in Riovida:

Acai (pronounced ah-Sa-ee): Is often referred to as the Super Berry. This delicious dark fruit is an all natural energy berry from the Amazon acai palm. It is packed with natural antioxidants, including vitamin E, vitamin C and special phytonutrients called anthocyanins. Research indicates that Açai provides significantly more antioxidants than the highly regarded blueberries, oranges, red wine and a host of other fruits known for their antioxidant power. Most impressive is the fact that Gingko Biloba, the popular "brain boosting" herbal supplement that is renowned for its antioxidant properties, contains only 20% of the antioxidant concentration found in the Acai fruit.

****** The Acai berry is number 1 on Oprah Winfrey's list of top 10 superfoods. ******

Lactoferrin (a derivative of whey): A good Iron source, antiviral, antibacterial, stimulates the immune system, promotes friendly intestinal flora, antioxidant, regulates iron metabolism and reduces cell degeneration (aging).

Pomegranate: Tones digestive organs, nausea, lowers blood pressure, increased resistance to infections, aid with diarrhea and dysentery, anti-intestinal parasites, helps prevent kidney and bladder stones, helps teeth and gum disorders.

Blueberry: Antioxidant, improved eyesight (especially night vision), anti-aging, anti-fungal/bacterial/viral, reduces LDL, improves memory, reduced heart disease, improved motor skills.

Elderberry: Anti-infection, antiviral, anti-oxidant, and improved night vision.
In Portuguese, Rio Vida which means the "River of Life" and may well turn out to be a "River of Gold" for those who position themselves NOW to take advantage of this niche market.
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