MODULE roni_home_on_web;
(* this page created exclusively for my own needs, to classify and store my own tips, links, /etc :)*)


::::::::::::::: articles,:::::::::::::::::

::::::::::::::: projects,::::::::::::::::
if-so (install from sources)
o-k (oberon-kompiler)
lotta (lotta language & compiler)
epkg (dpkg for gentoo)
ept-get (install tool for gentoo)
::::::::::::::: tips,:::::::::::::::::::::::
 *  linux tips
 *  gentoo tips
 *  debian tips
 *  solaris tips
 *  hacking
 *  freepascal tips
 *  kylix tips
 *  oberon tips

::::::::::::::: my :::::::::::::::::::::::

 * Leonid Yengibarov page

  * cv
::::::::::::::: Collections,:::::::::
 *  Compilers
 *  OS
 *  Books
 *  delphi components
 *  kylix components

 *  modula-2 sources
 *  pascal sources
 *  oberon sources

 *  Oric Atmos
 *  6502
 *  PIC16F84a

::::::::::::::: Photos,:::::::::::::::::::

::::::::::::::: Videos;:::::::::::::::::::

(* project lotta at SF *)

(*added link to the lotta *)

(* added projects for gentoo Linux
ept-get, epkg, genorphan


 [2006/4/4] Home page uploaded
    The page is not ready, and comes absolutely without any warranty :)
     Come here again, I still have much more info to store when have a time     :)
END News;

END noch_web.