" Never Fall "

Life is full of ups and downs
Some pit falls just make me frown
Too many bad things getting me down
Sometimes feeling like I'm gonna drown

God's special people suffer all the time
This poem is serious and it does rhyme
God's believers always face the most trouble
Yet we always rise above the rubble

God's faithful people always tries
Gaining more strength as they rise
Being in Heaven with God is our prize
Those who disobey and fail may never realize

God is Great and our creator of ALL
Its really sad to know millions will fall
The end of our Earth is drawing near
Those non believers disobeying better fear

So when You feel there is no Hope
God's great love will help You to cope
Just keep standing Proud and Tall
God's special people will Never Fall!!!!!

Penned By:
James L. McHenry Copyright ©2003
Mickey Pig Knuckles Copyright ©2003
Pueblo, Co

Author's Comments:
Namon, I am Proud to have YOU design
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and make them even more meaningful.

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