What Thanksgiving Really Is!

Thanksgiving is not just turkey!
Unity is the most important thing!
Real thankfulness is the theme!
Knowledge of this is needed!
Eating was made possible by the Indians!
You should be thankful to them!

Penned By:
Laraine Smith
Greencastle, Indiana

Author's Comments:
Milestone Clubhouse is a place where
people with mental illness try to
find work in the community. I was
diagnosed with mild depression after
I had to leave college.

Barb (a staff person there) gave me
and the other consumers a "turkey poem"
form that came from www.abcteach.com!
On this form, we were supposed to
write a poem made up of words
that started with the letters that
spelled the word "turkey!"

I was inspired by what I learned about
Thanksgiving from my video of "A Charlie Brown
Thanksgiving!" She really liked the poem I wrote.
And I am truly proud of this! This is
why I dedicate this poem to Charles Schulz's memory!

Thank you, Charles Schulz! This poem would NEVER
have been written if not for you!

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