Some 37 years ago in the Southern Kurdistan, Ghiath Naqishbandi was born into a religious sophism family. After leaving, Bamerne, his home village he was born in the mountains like so many other Kurds, while his family was escaping attacks by the Iraqi regime. His grandfather, Ghiathadeen, a Kurdish national mentor, became involved in politics and wrote national advisory poetry. Before his sudden death, he nominated Kurdistan as Mousel State to the Iraqi Parliament. Ghiath's father , Ali Ghiathadeen, in many ways followed his father's steps, he replaced hm in the Iraqi parliament and started adynasty of writing and revolution.

Ghiath has a sister and a brother, both writers, living in Germany and another brother still living in Kurdistan.

Ghiath started writing at a very early age with his family environment encouraged him. He has a special way of writing and talent for expression, particularly reports and reportages. He has worked as a journalist, reporter and columnist for several Kurdish and Arabic newspapers. He also worked as a correspondent for some overseas newspapers. He is a memeber of Kurdish Writers and Editors as well as a member of the Australian and International Journalism Association.

A crucial time in his life was the establishment of the Kurdish Journalist Association, fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of association without political persecution. In Kurdistan today, there are many Kurdish newspapers and magazines which Ghiath has been a member of the establishing staff.

Both personally and professionally
Alienation as a book is an especially important step. It is the first philosophy project Ghiath has done using academic resources and the first of its kind published in the Kurdish language.

Ghiath lives in South Australia and now he is working on another book about logic and aesthetics.