After GT-- Life Without The Dragonballs: Second Chances Saga Part II
By SSBra

Trunks and Pan finally came out of the Hyperbolic Chamber as their time in there was over. Pan held little Saruku ,still in Super Saiyan stage, proudly. "Well, little one, it's time to meet the rest of your family."

Hey Dende!" Trunks greeted. "Thanks for everything."

"No problem, Trunks," the Namek smiled. Trunks could tell that there was something bothering him, but he really didn't have the time to ask about it.

"Dende, this is Saruku Briefs," Pan introduced.

"He's a Super Saiyan?! A such a young age?"

"He was born that way."

"Pan, it's time to show everyone our son," Trunks motioned.

"Bye Dende! We'll come visit again reallysoon!" Pan called down as she flew with her son in her arms. Catching up to Trunks, she asked, "Where to first?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I can't wait to see the look on Vegeta's face when he sees that your son was born a Super Saiyan!"

"Okay, to my house first!" He smiled to her as he pulled her and Saruku close to him. They flew to Capsule Corp. and set down up the compound. They walked up to the door, but didn't go in.

"Well, this is your house," Pan said wondering what was making Trunks pause.

"I know, but, my tousan and kassan are going to flip!"

"Not when they see this beautiful baby." Trunks rang the doorbell, and they heard Bulma called out.

"Coming." She opened the door to find her son with long hair and Pan holding a little, blond baby. "Trunks!? Pan!?" She managed before fainting.

"Kassan!" Trunks exclaimed as he kneeled down to attend to her.

"Onna, why do you have the door wide-open!?" Vegeta barked as he rounded the corner. "Ah, I see, the brat has finally decided to come home." He took one look at Saruku and knew that the infant was a Super Saiyan. "By Dende!!!" He exclaimed taking his grandchild from Pan.

"This is your child?!"

"Yes, Vegeta-sama, he is. Meet your grandson, Saruku Briefs.

"Saruku?" The Prince raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, Tousan, Sar- coming from the Briefs family, and -ku after Goku."

"YOU NAMED THIS CHILD AFTER KAKARROT?!?!?" He screamed causing Saruku to laugh. Vegeta calmed down and saw how happy the child was. "So, you think it's funny seeing Grandpa get mad?" Vegeta asked as he walked off with the baby.

"Uh, Trunks?" Pan asked as Trunks was almost in tears watching his father and his son together.

"Yeah, Pan."

"Your mom is still on the floor."

"Oh, yeah!!" Trunks looked down at his mother who was beginning to come to.

"Trunks?!" Bulma said softly. "Did I just see a baby in Pan's arms?"

"Yes, you did," Pan answered. "But, Vegeta's kidnapped him," she laughed. Bulma jumped up and hugged them both.

"I'm sorry we acted like such morons and missed out on your wedding. At least your father saw it," she said before taking off after Vegeta.

"Your father saw it?!" Pan asked looking at Trunks.

"Kassan?!" Trunks called out before grabbing Pan by the arm and taking off after his mother. They found Bulma and Vegeta sitting on the couch together playing with Saruku.

"Vegeta-sama, were you there at Dende's Lookout when we got married?" Pan asked.

"Yes, I was. I was going to stop you, but I decided not to," he said taking Saruku from Bulma.

"Vegeta, you've already held him long enough!!" Bulma complained.

"You decided not to?" Trunks asked, shocked.

"Yes, Brat. You two are bonded; there's nothing I could say or do to change that." Just then Bra came moping down the stairs.

"Bra!?" Pan ran to her and hugged her, but Bra only returned the hug half-heartedly.

"Hey, Sis! Come meet your nephew!" Trunks called to her. Bra walked into the living room to find her father holding what looked like a mini-Marron. She burst out wailing and ran off up the stairs.

"What's wrong with her?" Pan asked.

"A lot has happened since you two left yesterday. Sit down, I'll tell you everything," Bulma said before she explained what had transpired leading up to Marron challenging Bra to a fight for Goten.

"You've gotta be shittin' me!" Trunks exclaimed.

"So, I take it from Bra's mood that she lost Uncle Goten?" Pan asked.

"No, Pan-chan, Bra lost far more than Goten," Bulma said sadly. Then, Vegeta took over and explained just how Marron was killed. He told the story while Saruku tugged and pulled at his wild Saiyan mane.

"Marron's dead?" Trunks asked in disbelief.

"Yes, she is," Bulma hung her head down.

"But, she can't be. She just can't be."

"Yes, she is," a voice said from the stairs. It was Bra. "And I killed her!" She sobbed.

"Bra," Pan said before running over to her. "You didn't mean to. We know you didn't." Trunks walked over and hugged his sister tightly.

"It's okay, Bra. Come over here and meet your new nephew, Saruku," Trunks said as he put his arm around her.

"Okay," she sniffed. Walking over to the couch were Vegeta was sitting, Bra looked at the baby and her heart felt like someone had stuck a knife in it. This child looked a lot like Marron! She sat down and her father handed Saruku to her. "Hey Saruku! I'm Bra, your aunt." The child took one look at her and spit up on her, then laughed. "This is great!! This was my new outfit!!" She exclaimed as she handed him back to Pan.

"I'm sorry, Bra. He had just eaten before we came here," Pan offered to help her.

"I don't think he likes me."

"Don't be silly. He's spit up on me hundreds of times, and I'm his father."

"No, I can tell. He doesn't like me," Bra said before running off upstairs again.

"I'll go see to her," Bulma said getting up.

"I still can't believe that she killed Marron," Trunks collasped onto a chair.

"Believe me, she surprised us all," Vegeta said as he once again took Saruku from Pan.

"So, now there's three new Super Saiyans," Pan smiled.

"Three?" Vegeta asked.

"Yes, Bra, Saruku, and me."


"Tousan, Saruku was born a Super Saiyan because Pan went Super Saiyan just before she gave birth to him."

"Hmm, maybe we'll have some strong fighters out of this bunch, yet!" He said as he threw his grandson up into the air.



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