After GT-- Life Without The Dragonballs-- Love Is A Battlefield; The Winner Takes Goten (b)
By SSBra

Chi-Chi had heard that there was a commotion in the house and ran up the stairs to find Marron looking very sad.
"What is going on? Marron-chan, what is wrong?" Chi-Chi asked.
"Chi-Chi-sama, ask your son. He's what's wrong. I'll see you tomorrow at nine," she walked out the door and got into the air car.
"Goten?" Chi-Chi called.
"Oh shit! It's my kassan!!" He leaped up and started to dress.
"It's a little late for that," Bulma stated.
"See you tomorrow at the Son home," Eighteen spat and walked out.
"Krillin, you're not going to let Marron go through with this, are you?"
"Bulma, she's serious about this. I've never seen her like this."
"Bra will kill her."
"Bra has had no training, but neither has Marron. It should be a pretty even match."
"Match, I'll claw her eyes out!" Bra boasted.
"Goten Son! What in the Hell are you doing?!" Chi-Chi exclaimed as she saw her son throwing on his clothes.
"Uh, Kassan," he began.
"I'm leaving. I will see you tomorrow, Chi-Chi," Krillin turned to go.
"Why is everyone coming to my house tomorrow?!" Chi-Chi yelled.
"Because your son has fallen in love with two women and tomorrow, they are going to fight for him," Bulma explained.
"Goten, you and Bra and you and Marron?!?!" Chi-Chi was bewildered. How could her mild-mannered son get himself in such a bind. "But that still doesn't explain why everyone is coming over!"
"Well, Kassan, Marron has challenged Bra to a fight."
"And it's going to take place at our house?!"
"See, Chi-Chi-sama, it's a Saiyan custom. We are fighting for Goten to be our mate."
"Are you serious?!? Goten, how could you?!"
"Sorry, Mom, I guess I'm not perfect like Gohan," Goten said as he pulled his shirt over his head. He passed by his mother on the way out and didn't even bother to look at her.
"Goten, that's not what I meant, honey," Chi-Chi called after him.
"Well, Bra, you have a lot of explaining to do to your father," Bulma said as she looked at her daughter. Bulma could've sworn she was looking into a mirror. Bra looked just like her, and acted just like her when she was that age; except she never caught Yamcha with his women and challenged them to a fight.
"I think Papa will be proud of me," she stated as she got up from bed.
"Proud of you? Listen, don't you think he's angry enough that Trunks and Pan have gotten together? Now, his precious little princess is going to fight over another of Goku's 'brats?'"
"Speaking of that, where are Trunks and Pan?" Bra asked as she looked through her enormous closet for something to wear.

"It's really funny watching your stomach grow like that," Trunks laughed as he read his delivery book.
"Yeah, it's soo funny, I forgot to laugh," Pan said sarcastically as the baby kicked her from the inside. "This baby's a Saiyan alright."
"Hurts, huh?"
"You could say that," Pan puffed as she sat down.
"You'll be in good hands, Panny-- mine," he smiled.
"Oh, now I'm worried," she mocked.
"Come here," Trunks threw his book down and ran over to Pan.
"Trunks!" She exclaimed as she tried to run, but she wasn't fast enough to outrun the demi-Saiyan.
"Gotcha!" He nuzzled her neck.
"I still can't believe we're married."
"Believe it, babe. You're stuck with me til the end of time."
"Gosh, that long?" She asked.
"That does it! You're gonna get it!" He expounded before he started to tickle her.
"Uncle! Trunks, please stop before I pee my pants!" She managed between giggles.
"You're gonna pee your pants?! I can't resist!" He laughed as he tickled her more. His hand passed over her burgeoning stomach and felt a kick. "Whoa!!"
"You should've been on the other side of that," Pan grimaced.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. The doctor said that this baby is strong and that the kicks would hurt sometimes."
"Are you sure?" He asked with worry in his deep blue eyes.
"Hai. I'll be okay. You better get back to reading your book. You're going to need it pretty soon."
"Yeah, a year in here, but to them-- a day," he said referring to their families and friends.
"I wonder what Marron, Goten, and Bra are doing?" She pondered.

"Marron-chan, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Krillin asked his daughter as they drove home.
"Yes, I am. Papa, I've been humiliated by the Briefs for far too long. First Trunks dumps me for a one-night stand, and then Bra takes away my Goten!"
"But, honey, Bra is half-Saiyan," he reminded her.
"It makes no matter. Bra has had very little training," Eighteen crossed her arms.
"Marron's had about the same," he stated.
"That will change tonight," she said.
"Kassan, you mean you and Tousan are going to train me?" Marron asked excitedly.
"As much as we can."
"Juu, I don't know," Krillin sounded reluctant.
"Do you want our only daughter to be the laughing stock of the Briefs's home?!"
"No, but I don't want our only daughter killed either. Remember, there are no more Dragonballs. We can't wish her back if Bra does kill her."
"Bra's not going to kill me. I'll see to that!" Marron said before jumping out of the car as it pulled into the driveway.
"I hope you and your mother are right about this," Krillin sighed as Eighteen got out of the car and ran into the house behind Marron.



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