Love Unexpected

by SSBra

Part 1

Here's a little story for all you Trunks and Marron fans out there. I, myself, like both Trunks and Marron and Trunks and Pan. I don't have a title for it yet, though.
Same disclaimers as usual.

Trunks was almost 30 years old, but what did he have to show for it?
Well, besides being CEO of the world's most powerful company, but he didn't have anything else. He had no love in his life. Sure his mother loved him, and his father, well, his mother loved him. His sister did, too, but who else loved him? No one, that's who.
Goten and Paris were busy making wedding plans; Pan and Ubuu were totally in love; and Bra and Juuana had found each other. Trunks was the odd man out when it came to matters of the heart. He would occasionally date, but it would always end up that she wanted too much of him-- his time, his money, his heart. Trunks really wanted to love someone, but was afraid of letting them near his heart.
As he was making his way out of the Capsule Corp; building for lunch one day, he bumped into a beautiful blond knocking her papers from her hands.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss," Trunks apologized as he bent down to help her pick up the papers.
"That's okay," she said as before she looked up at him. "Trunks? Trunks Briefs?? Is that you?"
"Yes, I'm Trunks Briefs," he said as he looked into her sapphire eyes.
He saw the image of a little girl with no nose. "Marron?!" He asked.
She dropped her papers and pulled him into a bear hug. 'Thank Dende I'm a Saiyan,' he thought as the one-quarter cyborg crushed him.
"I've missed you so!!! Why haven't you come to the Roshi picnic in five years?!" She demanded looking a lot like her mother.
"Work. I can never get away from it. This is the first time in months I've actually left the office for lunch," he laughed rubbing the back of his head much like Goten used to. "Why haven't you come by Capsule Corp.?"
"You know I hate the city!!! My novel keeps me too busy to leave Kame House!"
"So, what are you doing in the city today?" He asked as he helped her pick up the papers strewn everywhere.
"I just had a meeting with my editor. I was getting ready to catch the next bus back to the ferry."
"Oh, no, don't do that. Have lunch with me. We can catch up on old times."
"But Trunks, this is the last bus for the ferry."
"Marron, I have twelve cars here. I'll let you borrow one to go back to Kame House. Or, I could fly you myself," he said as the heat rose in his face.
"A personal escort from the Pres. of Capsule Corp.? I am honored," she said messing with his lavender locks. 'His hair is still as soft,' she thought to herself.
"Yes, I only make this exception for a select few," he said with a snooty accent. "So what do you say?" He asked as he offered her his arm.
"Why not? I don't get out that often, and I'm starved!!" She laughed as she put her arm inside his and the two old friends walked down the street to a small cafe.

Part 2 ->

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