Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie

About 1 week in advance, start soaking the pecan pieces and halves in bourbon. When it's all evaporated, keep adding bourbon until the nut meats are "full" keep "extra" bourbon (a few tablespoons).
Put the pie crust in a 9 inch dish. Pleat the crust edge using your fingers or create a simple rolled edge. Set aside while you prepare the filling.
In a bowl, blend butter, brown sugar together. Add eggs and mix well.
Add corn syrup and broken pecan pieces, mix well
Spread chocolate chips evenly around bottom of pie crust (I've mixed them in with the filling and they always seem to settle to the bottom anyway)
Pour pecan/syrup mixture on top of chocolate pieces
Arrange unbroken pecan halves across top surface of pie.
Put foil around crust edge to keep the crust from burning.
Bake at 350F for 25 minutes, then remove the foil from the pie crust edges.
Sprinkle "leftover bourbon" on top of pie (the sprinkled bourbon keeps the surface from cracking), and return the pie to the oven and bake another 20-25 minutes

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