1 lb. big prawns(shrimps) 
1/2 bottle vinegar 
salt to taste 
Oil for frying (preferably some sweet oil)

Blend to a smooth paste: 
6-8  dry red chillies 
1 piece ginger piece
3 pods garlic 
1/2 tsp turmeric powder 
1 tsp. jira 
3 tsps thick tamarind juice

Mince the following:
4 green chillies 
2 large onions 
1 piece ginger 
8 pods garlic 

Clean and wash prawns. 
Marinate in a little salt for 1 hour. 
Grind the dry masala and mince green masala. 
Fry prawns in hot oil and remove. 
Heat sweet oil in a separate dish with curry leaves 
When brown add minced masala. Stir. 
When soft add ground masala, vinegar, salt to taste. 
Boil well and then add fried prawns. 
Keep down to cool. Then bottle. 
Can keep for about 2 weeks. 

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