Life in Cyberspace
To the tune of the theme from Giligan's Island:
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
about my virtual trip.
It started from my IBM
with a simple little click.
I tried to surf the Internet but things did not go well.
I wound up in a chat room
with some cyber geeks from hell.
They won't shut up
I can't escape
this AOL nightmare.
If I sign up to prodigy
I bet they'd find me there.
(Those geeks are everywhere.)
I'm stuck inside the World Wide Web
with weirdos I don't know.
I hit F1,
unplug the phone,
I can't click out
I can't click in.
It said...SIT CHAT...
Oh my god!
I'm trapped on the Internet!
You Know You're Hooked When.....
You start introducing yourself as "lord at pacbell dot com".
Your wife drapes a wig over your monitor to remind you of what she looks like.
You check your mail. It says NO NEW MESSAGES. So you check it again.
Your phone bill is delivered in a box.
You name your children Eudora, Mozilla, and Dotcom.
All of your friends have an @ in their names.
You tell the cab driver you live at http://123.elm.street/house/bluetrim.html.
You get a tattoo that says "This body best viewed with NETSCAPE 3.01".
You never have to deal with busy signals because you never log off.
You ask a plumber how much it would cost to replace
the chair in front of your computer with a toilet.
You start tilting your head sideways whenever you smile :-).
Your spouse says communication is important in a marriage,
so you buy another computer and install another phone line so
that the two of you can chat.
As your car crashes through the guardrail on a mountain road,
your first instinct is to search for the 'back' button.
Your computer goes down, you haven't logged in for two hours.
You start to tremble.
You pick up the phone and dial your
Internet access number.
You try to mimic computer noise in order to connect........
And You Succeed!
Prayer for the Addicted
God, grant me the serenity
To accept a post I cannot change.
Courage to walk past the computer
turning it on when I'm running late for work.
And the wisdom to know the difference between
"Come to bed now" meaning "let's have some fun"
and "come to bed NOW"
"that computer has got to go!"
All those backups seemed a waste of pay.
Now my database has gone away.
Oh I believe in yesterday.
There's not half the files there used to be,
And there's a milestone
Hanging over me
The system crashed so suddenly.
I pushed something wrong
What it was I could not say.
Now all my data's gone
and I long for yesterday-ay-ay-ay.
The need for back-ups seemed so far away.
I knew my data was all here to stay,
Now I believe in yesterday.
You Know You're Addicted When....
You meet your best friend for lunch.
She says something funny.
You say: "LOL" or "LMAO"
While cleaning the kitchen counter with the dishcloth,
you glance up at the window, see a fly on it,
and think it's the cursor moving with your mouse.
Your dreams and nightmares are somehow...different
...they TEXT!
Even though you finally turned off your computer
in order to pay attention to some grossly neglected housework,
when a neighbor rings your doorbell,
you find yourself wondering who just signed on.
Your children need to wrestle you to the floor
and pry the mouse out of your hand with a crowbar .
Food is splashed at least three places on your keyboard
and/or monitor - you have had almost as many meals with your
buds in chat rooms as you've had with your family at the dinner table.
That much-anticipated party you were invited to....
the one you bought that pricey outfit for?
You don't go - afterall, all your buds are online tonight!
It's time to start to make dinner.
You tell your family you're just going to quickly check your e-mail
.....2 hours later, you find them munching Cheerios in front of the television
and you think they've played a trick on you by setting the clocks ahead only FELT like 15 minutes!
The bookmark in the novel you began to read the
day before subscribing to AOL is still on page 12.
People who call you and actually get through,
think they have the wrong number.
After work, before taking off your coat and
those terribly uncomfortable shoes, you sign-on to check your mail and bud list
......and that's what you used to do with your answering machine!
You can now sell the answering machine
...all your friends and family know that the only way to
communicate with you is through e-mail.
Redecorating to you no longer means shopping for new curtains
or re-painting the means going into the Control Panel
and changing screen colors.
Cleaning also has a new meaning....
it's not when you use a bucket and mop,
a dust cloth or vacuum cleaner...
it's when you purge your "old mail" and personal filing cabinet.
When you are having dinner with friends
and need to use the restroom, you say to them, "BRB".
You begin to go into music stores asking
for "wavs" instead of CDs.
Internet Addiction Test
   1. When I see the prefix "cyber--" I:
   a) Blink uncomprehendingly
   b) Roll my eyes at an overused catch phrase
   c) Salivate like Pavlov's dog.
   2. "Microsoft" is defined as:
   a) A very small plushy object
   b) A software company
   c) The future overlords of the known universe.
   3. You are overhearing a conversation in which the phrases "WWW," "URL" and "HTML" are being used. You:
   a) Mention that you had an uncle who worked on the WPA for FDR
   b) Realize that these guys are unlikely to know anything about the
hockey play-offs
   c) Snicker uncontrollably because HTML is passe now that VRML has taken root as the ascendant modeling language.
   4. Did you understand that last line at all?
   a) No
   b) Maybe a little
   c) Understand it? I'm programming in VRML as we speak!
   5. Archie, Veronica and Jughead are:
   a) Those delightful teens from that spunky comic book series
   b) Three-fifths of the third greatest animated rock band in the world,
after Fat Albert's Trash Band and Josie and the Pussycats
   c) Information retrieval protocols. Duh.
   6. A "hyperlink" is:
   a) Sausage made from frantic pigs
   b) One of those video games where the characters rip out each other's
   c) A way to get from one World Wide Web page to another. Double duh.
   7. If I could only communicate with other people through the computer:
   a) I'd throw myself into the nearest industrial-sized blender
   b) I'd surround myself with a LOT of pets
   c) I'd be doing what I do anyway.
   8. You hear about someone "Spamming the Net." You:
   a) Wonder why someone would throw meat onto a tennis court
   b) Suggest that they might next "Vienna Sausage the Infobahn"
   c) Mailbomb their server and then place them in your kill file.
   9. Someone is "flaming." You:
   a) Wrap them in a blanket and roll them around on the floor to put them
   b) Assume that it's just a lifestyle choice
   c) Flame back harder.
   10. A good working definition of Hell is:
   a) A flaming pit filled the souls of the damned
   b) Being on the OJ Simpson jury
   c) A TRS-80 Model III with a 300 baud modem.
   Give yourself 0 points for each "A"; 2 points for each "B" and 5 points
for each "C" answer. Add up the score and find your rating:
   0-15: You clearly have no idea what the Internet is, so your risk of
abusing it is non-existent. There's some question, in fact, that you could
even identify a computer newer than the UNIVAC. Well, it's your life.
   15-30: You're about as aware of the 'Net and its culture as the average
Joe. That's fine. Of course, TV commercials are aimed at the average Joe.
Think about it.
   30-40: On the edge, but still okay. Just remember: humans are more fun
in person.
   40-50: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! Remember "Tron"? That
could be you. Get some fresh air. You'll like it. Trust me
"I'm just gettin' on for a MINUTE"
I got up this morning, but haven't yet dressed.
My dishes aren't done, and my house is a mess.
Have not done my work, have not fed the cat,
Just on line for a second, and popped into "chat".
I used to watch TV, I used to cook Mex,
I think I remember...yeah, I used to have sex!
I used to walk upright, now I roll on my chair,
Tho it causes the neighborhood children to stare.
I wanted to travel around on the Net,
Been too busy chatting to get on there yet.
I wanted to spreadsheet, word process, or paint,
But getting on with that is just what I ain't!
So much to learn and I wanted to but
I'm too busy chatting and splitting a gut,
Talking and it such a sin?
Oh gosh, what a fix I have got myself in!
Then up pops a name on my neat Buddy List,
Think I'll go out and give their tail a twist!
And in comes an IM from some weirdo guy
I cuss 'em, insult 'em, and tell him "bye bye".
Is there a 12 step, support group, or such?
For those of us folks who chat on too much?
If there was a group, I would like it just fine,
Except that it probably would be here online!
Are there therapists here? I think that I saw some
Its got me, its got me, its power is AWESOME.
It's my new computer, I've had it one week,
Now I look in the mirror and I see a "geek".
Or maybe a "geekess", but I see the signs,
Please help me, please help me, please get me offline!
Or better, please Email a burger and fries,
Cause I'm staying ONLINE, at least 'til I die!!!
The Internet Wife
So here I sit, in all my glory.
Lend me an ear, and I'll tell you a story.
I once had a wife, all warm and cuddly.
Then came the internet, and it all turned ugly!
Now there she sits for hours on end,
don't care where I'm goin, or where I have been.
I could be home, or I could be gone.
She really doesn't care, as long as she's on...line, that is.
After work she rushes home.
I guess I shouldn't be mad.
But its not to see me,
its to see what she's missed!!
To say Hi to her buddies,
who live in that chat room,
when this place needs a mop,
AND could sure use a broom!
So I'll just drink my beer,
and watch some TV,
and wonder just why she's not talkin to me!
I sit here each day
but that's how it is with an internet wife.
I sat here and pondered
just what I might do...
Heck, I got a screen name,
now I'm online TOO!!!!!!!
You Know You're Addicted When....
1). When you're having more sex online than offline.
2). When you can't wait to call an online buddy to tell him/her what they missed (conversation) the night before.
3). When you keep a Pic/Gif or Tiff database of your favorite and NOT so favorite online personalities.
4). When you exclusively date online personalities.
5). When you're MARRIED and you get jealous when someone speaks to a man/woman online that you like.
6). When you're MARRIED and you include the screenname of someone you like in your PROFILE.
7). When you contemplate marriage with someone online that you've never met.
8). When you can MULTITASK while online. ie. Cook, wash laundry feed the kids eat, talk on the phone, etc. and still keep up with the online conversation.
9). When you have collected over 100 wavs.
10). When you someone enters the "Room" they say HI to you and your reply is: "DO I KNOW YOU"?
11). When your first thought on a Sunday morning is to get online instead of going to church.
12). When you log on Sunday morning to find that you are NOT alone.
13). When you have more friends online than you do offline.
14). When you keep logs/journals of online conversations.
15). When you travel with a laptop, only so that you can connect to AOL.
16). When you introduce a local online friend to a NON-AOL friend by their screenname. Ex: Mary, this is "SwtNSexy" LOL!!
17). When you actually have FIVE different screenames and FIVE different PROFILES, and you can keep up with all of them.
18). When you break your BUDDY list into different catagories. ie. Fine Men/Women CyberSex Buddies Assholes Kewl Peeps
19). When Cybersex turns into phonesex, turns into live sex. Only to discover you should've left well enough alone..
20). When Cybersex is your ONLY outlet.