Savannah's Page - June/July, 1998

Here is another picture Mom took yesterday, 7/14/98, Bastille Day! This picture is one of those portraits mom says she couldn't resist. She said I looked good in my teal green guatemalen dress! Mom seems to have a fetish with putting me in dresses these days. Too bad you can't see my sporty, brown, leather sandles!

Here I am, at 21 months old, ready to take on the world, or at least get out and do some shopping (heehee)! OK, so if shopping is not your cup of tea then perhaps you will sit down and sing the alphabet with me; or, we can go to the beach together. Scroll down to see a picture of me at the beach last month!

What's new ??

Sunday, July 12th, 1998 - 9:30pm - This is not for the faint at heart! If potty training talk offends you, please drop down to Friday's message.

Goodness, Savannah is getting bigger. What I left out of Friday's message was that Savannah has been showing signs of potty training for ages, but in todays society, we think of potty training at about age 3. Back in May, we let her walk around periodically in the buff, so to speak so that she learned where/how her body functions. She seemed ok with it. She has had a potty seat in the bathroom since December, about 16 months old. She sits on it frequently, fully clothed. Now, last night...the drum roll...she sat on the big potty and urinated! Yeaa! First time! Woo Whoo!!! She also tells "all done" and tugs at her diaper when it's "full". Woo Whoo! The little things that get us parents excited!

Friday, July 10th, 1998 - Wow! Where has the time gone? Things here have been, shall we say, EXTREMELY busy! There are so many changes in Savannah's disposition and personality lately. She is becoming a little girl. Granted, we are still battling the start of the 'terrible twos', but when you put it all into perspective, life is really great!

The latest and greatest are the increased vocabulary of our little girl. She has gone from saying about 50-75 words to a seemingly infinite vocabulary in the last month. She is presently 21 months old, and will be 2 years old on September 27, 1996. She loves those 2 and 3 word sentences. Sometimes she says "sleeping, Jacob", and othertimes she says "Jacob sleeping". Of course, if he's not sleeping, then she is quick to point out "awake, awake" (handy while driving in the car, with kiddies in the back seat). It's interesting to hear her copy so many of the things we say.

Current interests -- She is particularly interested in repitition of colors, numbers, and songs. For instance..."A White?" while pointing at the clouds in the sky, could be translated as "The clouds are white -- right mommy?" So this can be challenging at times, especially when there are new sounds that are difficult to pronounce. If she is in a counting mood (she can count successfully to 5, and then 10, 8, 18, etc) then she will try to count while moving her babies from the stroller to their bed or while eating her peas! As for the songs, she has the tune to "twinkle twinkle little star...", "Row, Row, your boat...", and "Rain, Rain, go away..." down perfect! Most of the words are there, but some are vague or difficult to interpret, so sometimes she just hums them. She is sooo cute. The alphabet puzzle is still one of her favorites. Her learning style is very interesting. If you ask her to point to a letter, number, animal, or color, she can usually point to it. On the otherhand, if you ask her to say it, then she often will confuse it with another. I guess she must be kinda visual? Perhaps I should let her try the "brain.exe" game!! Just kidding on that one.

Other Activites - Savannah enjoys blowing bubbles, doing arts and crafts and coloring now! (-- please markers only, no crayons, as crayons are still too edible -- oh dear!) with Mommy and Jacob. Daddy cut a door and windows in a huge box which is now her "house', and we have been decorating it together. Note: Savannah also enjoys renovating by removing/ripping/shredding the flowers and amenities we have glued onto the house -- . Other activities include romping at the beach, picking wild blackberries and blueberries, going for walks, and visiting the animals (at our local farm and county zoo). These are the best years of our lives.

An interesting tidbit: The black/blue ribbon goes to the Worst Mom of the Year Award!! Paul took Savannah to the emergency room 2 weekends ago, because something was wrong with her wrist/arm. Mom was certain she sprained or broke Savannah's wrist while tugging her along through the yard just an hour before. Part is true. Mom injured her, but in a somewhat COMMON toddler occurance. Mom had actually dislocated her elbow. Supposedly, this is a very common toddler event (so the dr.'s and friends tell us, tagged "Nurse Maid's Elbow". It can be remedied relatively easily by tugging and relocating it. Uggh. The ER tried on Saturday and thought they succeeded. But, my Monday, there was no improvement, so Paul took her to the PED, who with 2 maneuvers, popped it back in. The PED showed Paul how to do it, so if it happens again, we can fix it (I'm not sure about that one though). All's better on that front!!

As for the sibling rivalry, it continues to improve. Sometimes things get kinda hectic. OK most of the time things are kinda hectic, but we always seem to come through it like troopers. Sharing and working together is hard work. We will always be striving to share, trade, cooperate, and work together as a team, as I have found out as an adult!


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