TAGLIATELLE AL GORGONZOLA Max cost £5.00, $8 Takes about 15 minutes

Noodles with Gorgonzola (Blue Cheese) Serves 4-5 as a main course

This is a fifteen minute delight and my Mother's favourite dish. On many occasions I have explained how to make it, over the telephone, to friends in search of a quick but delicious dinner party dish.
It must be freshly prepared.

Place the butter, cheese and cream in a heavy pan (big enough to hold all of the noodles). Heat gently and stir until the all of the cheese has melted and the ingredients have amalgamated, about 3 minutes. Add the torn sage leaves if used, nutmeg and season to taste. Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water until a little less than al dente (if using freshly made pasta this will be a matter of seconds). Drain the noodles well and add to the pan. Place over a low heat and toss the noodles until they are thoroughly coated, in all about 2 minutes. Check the seasoning and serve straight from the pan.

Freshly grated parmesan cheese may be served, but I prefer it without.