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Leisha n'ha Ursula's

Sweet Shop

S'dia shaya, vai dom, vai domna (or Mestru, Mestra…whoever you are!).

First of all I think it's better to introduce myself a bit. I joined the Renunciates not long ago, when I met my beloved Oath Mother, Valentina n'ha Doria. She made me see how wonderful life could have been without any man to tell me what to do! Before being an Amazon, I had been working as a matrix technician at Arilinn Tower, but even there my family was trying to control my life (would you like to see where I used to live?). So I decided to take the Oath, and I've been so happy ever since…

But don't you think that a Renunciate's life is peaceful! I had my share of adventures, when Avarra decided to visit my dreams…Do you want to know what happened?

What about you, my sisters? Would you like to be Amazons too? Then go and have a look at our Guildhouse ! You'll meet wonderful women that live together in perfect harmony ( ^_^; I seem to recall a song like this…), and they will love you as mothers and sisters!

Besides, lately our number grew, so that my sister Jaelle n'ha Gilla started a new Guildhouse near the Tower of Dalereuth. So if you want to be trained in your laran gifts as well, or you simply love the seaside, go and take a look at Dalereuth Guildhouse

Another sister of ours, Eliadha n'ha Ardana, decided to open a shop as well: click here, and visit her book stall.


If you're not interested in joining a guildhouse, or you are men…don't worry! You're still in the right place! The main purpose of this sweet shop is to "sell" you something, and as the name of this page is "Sweet Shop", wonder what it could be!

Here are my favourite recipes, that I can do myself. I'll put some pictures of the results, but at the moment I'm still working on this. If you like any of this recipes and you want to try them, feel free to contact me for any problems you may find. Furthermore, I will be VERY glad if you would like to add some recipes to my list, so…come on!

My favourite recipes




Darkovan Recipes

Terran Recipes that I love


Here some other interesting links:

If you want to know more about my real persona, visit my home page.

If you want to know more about the Darkover Lovers Role Playing Game, visit Leisha's RPG page

If you want to know how much Darkover contaminated you are…here's the Purity Test!

If you want to know the meaning of words like "mestra" and "comhi' letzi", browse through Dalereuth Tower Encyclopedic Dictionary.



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