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What's New ?

This year we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Our team of students and professors is proud of announcing the completion of the 9th session of the North American Summer School for Advanced Management.

Graduating Diplomas have been presented to students of 2004, on May 27th, in a University of Calgary ceremony. We are looking forward to the next year's participants.
We build international spirit and friendships, for an enhanced business environment

We have been successfully active since the summer of 1996

We are here for you ! We invite you to take part in the experience !
Program Overview

NASSAM is a trilateral program hosted by the Centre for International Management of the Haskayne School of Business at University of Calgary, the TEC at Monterey, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. The program holds at heart the development of strong international relationships among MBA students of the NAFTA signing countries, towards a better global business environment.
What We Do

We put together, for three weks, teams of 6 second year MBA students with various backgrounds (two students from each country); they must build a business plan of their choice, the only requrement being to encompass at least two of the three NAFTA countries.

Students attend lectures in Mexico, USA an Canada (spending approximately a week in each country, in this order); they have the opportunity to discuss their ideas with remarkable guest speakers, true personalities of the international business arena, that have the kindness to participate every year.

Depending on the business areas chosen for each project, specific experts are invited to give feedback to each group.

Although having a dense schedule, the program has built-in free time for cultural activities and parties; it is not unusual that, during the program, lifetime friendships arise among students.

It is an extraordinary enriching experience in which we full-heartedly invite you all to take part.
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